I am getting below cell voltage values from my inverter. Displaying entity value in a card on dashboard seems easy. I am not sure how to do any mathematical formula etc using entities. I like to do the following, any help / advice appreciated.
Round the below voltage to 3 decimal
Display the smallest (minimum) value
Display the largest (maximum) value
Display the different of the largest vs smallest (largest - smallest)
i would be displaying 2, 3 and 4 in a separate card.
You cant do this in Lovelace. You would need to either adjust the value_template in the integration you are using to obtain these readings if it supports one. If it does not you need to make template sensors.
i tried tried rounding within the sensor topic, below obviously didnt works, is there a way to achieve the rounding within the sensor yaml below or will i have to make a template for each of my 16 sensors
I would like to highlight the cell with the highest voltage in this card, either with color, changing icon or some other means. i would like to do the same for the cell with the lowest voltage.
I am looking at how to achieve something similar with templates but i cant get my head around it, any tips / ideas appreciated.