Lovelace: Decluttering Card

Could you help me here pls?

You need to use Javascript templates. You’re trying to use Jinja2 templates with button card. That doesn’t work. Most likely you used Markdown card before.

    name:  |
        return "Er zijn " + states['sensor.current_lights_on'].state + " lampen aan";

I’m not a Javascript expert myself though. So for further help you should ask in the Button-Card thread.

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Superb thx

I’m gonna try that and seek further help if needed.
True i used markdown before

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I tried and i get this error

I asked in the custom button topic, and they say your code is correct and its probably a decluttering thing… lol

Since the code works within button-card, you should open a ticket and report this at the github repo of decluttering-card. The code itself is fine as others have confirmed. So not much else there is to do about it. Seems like decluttering-card doesn’t render Javascript somehow.

So you need to think outside the box and reverse it, which is how I use it myself. Use the variable in the template itself and only the entity in the card on lovelace. I like to keep my decluttering-card as tidy as possible and only pass through single codes (and set everything else like text strings and Javascript in the template).


Use this in your decluttering template:

    name:  |
        return "Er zijn " +  states['[[lights]]'].state + " lampen aan";

And then in the decluttering-card code:

    type: custom:decluttering-card
    template: notification_template
      - lights: sensor.current_lights_on

This way you can use this decluttering template only for cards that need to show the current lights on.

If you have a different room, just change the entity variable to a different sensor tracking those lights and it’s set. If you want something else to show instead of current lights on, copy the template and change the variables.

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it has never done that, and it will not,. Has been asked before, when decluttering came to existence.

Decluttering card simply replaces strings (like anchors) and does not use templating itself. Its as I explained in button-card this morning: Lovelace: Button card - #6376 by Mariusthvdb

you can however, replace a string in the template, as you did above.

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Working, thx a lot !

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I cannot get this to work for some reason. I installed it via HACS and HACS placed the folder in: /www/community/decluttering-card

So, in ui-lovelace.yaml I have:

  url: /local/www/community/decluttering-card/decluttering-card.js
  type: module

      type: button
        action: toggle
      entity: '[[test_variable]]'

I then have a manual card added to my dashboard:

type: custom:decluttering-card
template: test_template
    - test_variable: light.basement_office_light_switch

I receive the error : "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘test_template’)

This doesn’t go in lovelace.yaml, but in configuration.yaml if you use YAML mode.

  mode: yaml

Also, the path has been change a few months ago to hacsfiles instead of local/www/community. hacsfile path points to the same folder, so the location of the files is correct.

    - url: /hacsfiles/decluttering-card/decluttering-card.js
      type: module 

After adding that you need to restart Home Assistant and then it should be loaded (or click the three dots menu (top-right) and click on Reload resources for Lovelace to pick up changes without restarting Home Assistant. You can also call lovelace.reload_resources service directly.) Sometimes it helps to clear your browser caches if a card isn’t loaded.

More: Multiple Dashboards - Home Assistant

can anyone spot the issue in my decluttering config… I must be overlooking the obvious, but can see it…


  type: conditional
    - entity: media_player.googlehome_[[id]]
      state_not: unavailable
    entity: input_boolean.googlehome_[[id]]
    state_color: true

and card config, with the verbose conditional row, and the one using the decluttering:

      - type: custom:decluttering-card
        template: conditional_row_boolean
          - id: library

      - type: conditional
          - entity: media_player.googlehome_library
            state_not: unavailable
          entity: input_boolean.googlehome_library
          state_color: true

somehow I keep getting:

even though I strictly followed (copied) the verbose row, and as yo can see the variables get replaced correctly…

can we not do this for a row?


not without a trick, but with custom:hui-element, yes we can !

  type: custom:hui-element
  row_type: conditional
    - entity: media_player.googlehome_[[id]]
      state_not: unavailable
    entity: input_boolean.googlehome_[[id]]
    state_color: true

thanks Thomas for the nudge!

i installed decluttering-card.js in www directory

in configuration.yaml

  mode: yaml
    - url: /local/decluttering-card.js
      type: module

in ui-lovelace.yaml

decluttering_templates: !include decluttering_templates.yaml

in decluttering_templates.yaml

  type: custom:vertical-stack-in-card
    - type: horizontal-stack
        - type: custom:button-card
          size: '[[size]]'
          entity: '[[entity]]'
        - type: custom:button-card
          size: '[[size]]'
          entity: '[[entity]]'
          template: cover_stop
        - type: custom:button-card
          size: '[[size]]'
          entity: '[[entity]]'
    - type: custom:button-card
      name: '[[name]]'

my card

            - type: custom:decluttering-card
              template: cover_button
                - entity_id: sensor.processor_use
                - vm_name: processor

my mistake

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'cover_button')

I ask for help

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Variables in call

and variables in a template

must have same names.

I wonder…is it possible above type of configuration if dashboad is not in yaml mode? I mean, to have one single file with all “declulttering templates” inside and then just call it from dashboard? I guess not, because i get an error when trying to save if i make that file and then try to call it with

decluttering_templates: !include decluttering_templates.yaml

at the beginning of selected dashboard (by edit dashboard → raw configuration editor, inserted before “view”)
It would be nice to work, though… i have same templates in three dashboards…

Imho most of experienced people are using yaml-mod.
Storage mode is basically for testing something.
And yes, for dashboards in storage mode I need to paste a particular decluttering template into a “raw” file - just for testing.

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Weah, welll, i like to have UI available. Many things can be done way quicker than write whole code for each and every little thing… apart that, i’m not exactly “experienced” guy, i’m still learning…

Nonetheless, HA owners tend to “force” all addon writers to comply their code with UI interface, so i guess running in UI is something which is prefferred.


I had to indent my decluttering card file. An entry looks like this:

# card with main entity and lock entity
      type: 'custom:button-card'
      entity: '[[thing_entity]]'
      name: '[[thing_name]]'
      template: standard-button
      triggers_update: all
      aspect_ratio: '[[aspect_ratio]]'
      ... and so on

Also note that the first line after the defining name is “card:”

There’s actually a simple answer but you won’t like it. !include only works in yaml mode.

Yes, you’re correct. The reason i don’t like yaml mode (yet) is lack of my programming skills. Maybe some day…never say never, right?

you probably didn’t understand

you probably didn’t explain your issue