Lovelace default pancake icons not viewable (same color as header)

Hello and thanks for looking. My default corner icons on all screens have disappeared–meaning they have taken the background color of whatever titlebar they fall within. I have tried figuring this out by tinkering with a themes.yaml file to understand what code corresponds with this color assignment with no luck. I do have the google dark theme installed through HACS but currently have the reference to themes disabled in config and my user UI options (default theme selected in dropdown–which is disabled by the code below). Whether using the default theme, or the GDT, the result is the same:

# frontend:
  # themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes

Here is a screenshot of what I am speaking about:

Note: This happens BOTH in the UI title bars and in cards. For example, when creating animations, the icon in the upper right screen is not viewable as well.

Are you using Firefox? There was a fix for icons there in 0.110.2 so you might need to update if you’re not on the latest version of HA.

OMG, I read the update and totally didn’t see anything about icons. I even went back and re-checked. All the same, the icons are back–and to answer your question, using Firefox. Thanks Sean!

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