Lovelace : do one regular action and navigate action in same card?

Hello all

I posted this in another thread, and have deleted it, as it drowned.

Thank you @Kuuji for the custom:button-card - awesome card, that I use a lot.

Does anyone know, if it possible to perform two tap_action’s within a card ?

I have a included top menu that consists of button-card’s. What I would like to achieve is:


Call a script, that sets a variable, so it knows what button is pressed and highlight that button. This works by now.(thanks to Petro)

After that : navigate to a certain lovelace view (dependent on the button pressed)

I cannot do this in the called script, as far as I know, as there isn’t a lovelace “Navigate” function in HA scripts.So I guess I would have to do a second action already during the “tap_action” action in the button-card if in any way possible.

Other ideas for solutions are also welcome. I’ll post two code snippets and a small screenshot, so you get the idea.

lovelace card:

 - type: "custom:button-card"
    icon: mdi:food-variant
    show_label: false
    size: 50%
    color: auto
      action: call-service
      service: script.menu_skift
        valgtmenu: 'kokken'

        - height: 100px
        - width: 100px
        - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
        - color: >
              if (states['variable.menu_click'].state =='kokken')
                return "#5294E2";
              return "gray";


    alias: "menu skift"
      - service: variable.set_variable
          variable: menu_click
          value: "{{ valgtmenu }}"

Below is a screenshot with the menu bar at the top. Clicking should, further than highligt the button (works) navigate to that view.


Thanks for any help


Interesting. Perhaps this:

I believe it might allow you to trigger a specific tab from a script.

Also there is the Fully Kiosk REST api. Might be worth taking a look.

Edit: there is a loadURL command in the REST api, check under basic functions:

Hello Emphyrio

Thanks for the tips. I couldn’t figure out to use the hass-browser_mod for this challenge, but you are right - the Load URL in Fully Kiosk browser indeed takes me some of the way.

In theory (not having found the solution with hass-browser_mod) they however will suffer from the same issue : The complete brower window will refresh and “compile”, which is not my goal. The goal is only to refresh the internal objects on the current page, so no “compiling” and delay is going on.

As by now, I can make the color of the menu item change, or as seen below, change the view by clicking the menu item, but not both actions at the same time.


I have absolutely no idea, why the animated Gif comes up in such a bad resolution, but I hope you can imagine me moving the mouse between the menu items at the top, and instantly refreshing the view when clicking.


I’m trying to wake this up again, as I hope there might be someone out there with a solution.

Thanks and regards, Michael


Use a script for both actions (at least that is what I do - single ‘tap’ performs two actions)

Hello The Stigh

Thank you for your reply. It might solve it, but I am unsure how to toggle at Lovelace navigate action from a script ?. Can it be done ?


Have you tried using browser_mod.navigate? As a test I called this from the /developer-tools/service page and it flipped me over real fast.

service: browser_mod.navigate
  navigation_path: /lovelace/1
    - this

Hello Brian

No, but I could. Does this require ThomasLovin’s broser mod ? Or Fully Kiosk browser (or both) ?

I’m not using any of these, but I could. I’m using wallpanel browser on my browsers.


You would need the browser-mod for it yes. Works like a charm and many different possibilities.

Edit: and btw, the current button-card is actually created by @RomRider.

1 Like

Ah and you could then make the automation the tap_action for the card, stack other action service calls underneath the browser_mod.navigate one to (for example) manually update a rest entity, send an MQTT message AND then finally change the lovelace navigation path?

You’ve got it figured correctly.

Thanks @BrianHanifin . This works flawlessly !

Took me a little time to get it right, but works.

Only comment for others, when calling from a script with a variable you need to replace ‘service_data’ with ‘data_template’. Its in the documentation, If I had just taken the time to read the last part of it…

The working code, after that looks like this


- type: "custom:button-card"

   icon: mdi:server-network

   show_label: false

   size: 50%

   color: auto


     action: call-service

     service: script.menu_skift


       valgtmenu: '/lovelace/unifi'



       - height: 100px

       - width: 100px

       - background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)


       - color: >


             if (states['variable.menu_click'].state =='/lovelace/unifi')

               return "#5294E2";

             return "gray";


and the called scripts.yaml


    alias: "menu skift"


      - service: variable.set_variable


          variable: menu_click

          value: "{{ valgtmenu }}"

      - service: browser_mod.navigate


          navigation_path: "{{ valgtmenu }}"


            -  kokken_browser

Thanks for everyones help here !



Is it normal when using browser mod, that if you call a service (e.g. blackout) from the Home Assistant services tool, the (eg) blackout applies to not only the device you’ve selected but your desktop screen as well? I’m finding despite specifying quite clearly the fully kiosk entity, all the commands are happening on my Mac, too! Might just be a quirk of issuing the command from the services tool?

That’s what the deviceID parameter is for. browser_mod creates an ID for every device that connects to the web UI.

    - this


But I DO specify the deviceID and I still get it applying to both desktop and tablet.

OK, I see that you did. Go into /developer-tools/state and filter the Attributes field for browser_mod (see the screenshot below). Does light.kokken_browser exist? If so, from that browser can you click it and turn the light switch to OFF. Did the website go blank? If you can’t get this to work then your deviceID may not be setup correctly.


How do you get it to update when you reload your dashboard?


      - service: browser_mod.navigate


          navigation_path: "{{ valgtmenu }}"


            -  kokken_browser

Hello Jussbba

Its basically the above part of the script that reloads the browser. “valgtmenu” is a variable that stores the desired navigation path.


Sorry, got a question about this! Just getting around to possibly implementing it…

So I’ve got my script (not automation) as follows. The MQTT request is made, but the browser_mod isn’t, and there’s an error in my logs that it doesn’t like the service_data:
Invalid config for [script]: [service_data] is an invalid option for [script]
Is there any way around this? Thanks

  alias: 'radio navigation'
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: "bbcrequest"
      retain: false
      payload: ''
  - service: browser_mod.navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/radio
        - this

Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong? I’m trying to send the deviceID to the script using jinja but just getting no reaction from the front end when I tap the button. I was previously hardcoding the deviceID and this was working fine (without a data_template, just using data). It’s now I’m trying to do the templating of which deviceID it’s still working. Nothing in logs, either. Thank you all!


  alias: 'radio navigation'
  - service: mqtt.publish
      topic: "bbcrequest"
      retain: false
      payload: ''
  - service: browser_mod.navigate
      navigation_path: /lovelace/radio
      deviceID: "{{ deviceID }}"



              action: call-service
              service: script.radio_navigate
                  - this