Lovelace does not recognize the thermostat type in vertical-stack anymore

I have been ignoring updates for a while, just being busy. After updating HA recently my previously working lovelace config stopped rendering thermostats in vertical-stack:

Screen Shot 2020-02-10 at 8.22.09 PM


path: default_view
title: Home
icon: mdi:home
- type: vertical-stack
  title: Home Controls
  - type: entities
    - type: thermostat
      entity: climate.living_room_ac
    - type: thermostat
      entity: climate.bedroom_ac

Why? Did I miss any changes?

Strangely enough, but another separate view works just fine:
Screen Shot 2020-02-10 at 8.44.59 PM


title: Bedroom
icon: mdi:bed-empty
- type: vertical-stack
  title: Bedroom Controls
  - type: thermostat
    entity: climate.bedroom_ac

The HA version is: 0.105.2

Not sure if it’s related to this issue:

Please help!

If you’re using cards inside the entities card, you have to use the ‘under the hood name’.

I don’t know why you are doing that anyways, seems like you just want a vertical stack of thermostats.

path: default_view
title: Home
icon: mdi:home
- type: vertical-stack
  title: Home Controls
    - type: thermostat
      entity: climate.living_room_ac
    - type: thermostat
      entity: climate.bedroom_ac

Hi @petro, thanks for reply. Yes, I want a vertical stack of termostats because then it renders (rendered I should say) them in a nice compact way, which is a bit different from an individual thermostat look. But now, after updates, instead of that nice compact thermostats look I am getting those red error messages (((

Sorry, I did not understand what you suggest to do in this case… add name: to each thermostat item?

Compare what I wrote to your original posted yaml

Oh, I see! You are right! @petro, you are amazing!

So the problem is not in vertical-stack card, but in the entities card!

Sorry for the confusion, it was kinda chicken and egg problem: hard to explain until it’s actually fixed, because no screenshots can be provided to show the difference in rendering))

Your code renders simply like this (which is not what I want):

Previously, my code looked like this:

path: default_view
title: Home
icon: mdi:home
- type: vertical-stack
  title: Home Controls
  - type: entities
    - type: thermostat
      entity: climate.living_room_ac
    - type: thermostat
      entity: climate.bedroom_ac

And rendered properly, which looked like this (and this is what I wanted):
Screen Shot 2020-02-11 at 7.38.28 PM

Then, with updates something changed and my code started to give that red error messages in lovelace.

So in order to fix it, the code now should look like this:

path: default_view
title: Home
icon: mdi:home
- type: vertical-stack
  title: Home Controls
  - type: entities
    - entity: climate.living_room_ac
    - entity: climate.bedroom_ac

I assume because now entities card cannot understand the type: key…

Thank you very much… problem solved!

Well, close but you still don’t need the vertical stack in this case.

path: default_view
title: Home
icon: mdi:home
  - type: entities
    title: Home Controls
    - entity: climate.living_room_ac
    - entity: climate.bedroom_ac

This of course will bring your title inside the card. If that’s not what you want, then vertical stack was correct.

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