Lovelace Entities card - show state not toggle switch

Howdy! Happy new year!

I’m trying to figure out how to show some entities on an entities lovelace card that just show the state, not also offer a toggle to manually control them.

I know about the glance card (not what I’m looking for) and also tried using the type: attribute style card but the state isn’t considered an attribute so that doesn’t work for me.

Any ideas? Specifically, to clarify, here’s my example of what I have now. The entity about outside security lights I don’t want a toggle, just the first line that is supposed to show a state.


And here’s the code for the above section:

      - entity: input_boolean.halloween_day
        name: Halloween events
      - type: attribute
        entity: input_boolean.outside_lighting
        attribute: state
      - entity: input_boolean.outside_lighting
        name: Outdoor security lights enabled
      - entity: input_boolean.alarm_armed
        name: Alarm armed state
      - entity: timer.alarm_armed_time
        name: Alarm armed timer

Have you looked at this HACS extension? For me, it’s one of the best additions to Lovelace along with card mod:

Just use type: simple-entity :

type: entities
  - type: section
    label: Automationen
  - entity: automation.weihnachtszeit_start_ende
    type: simple-entity

That’s crazy cool and didn’t know that existed. I’ll take a look and hopefully it integrates into my existing lovelace dashboards as special card entries.

Thanks for that - basically that’s what I was looking for. Wonder why simple-entity has zero hits on:

oh interesting, it’s on this page instead:

Those two are excellent and I use them all the time, but the flexibility of the Multiple Entities Row really amps things up for data.

Here’s one of many I use, this one is for my humidifier in my bedroom:


can you share your yaml file for example?