Lovelace: Firemote Card - Remote controls for Amazon Fire / Android devices

@malorezzanzo64 - I highly recommend reading the project’s file. Inside that file, you will find a couple of sections that answer your questions, Button Overrides and the FAQ section.

To summarize, the button override option does not change the behavior of the app launch buttons. If you want an app shortcut added, here is what I wrote in the FAQ section:

I want a shortcut button for an app I use frequently, but it’s not on the list. Can it be added?

Absolutely! Simply ask! Here’s how: Click the Issues button at the top of this page, click ‘New Issue’ and then click the “Get Started” button next to the “App Shortcut Request” option. Your request is important to you and likely important to others as well! If the app is easily downloaded through your device’s official store (not sideloaded), your request will be granted ASAP.

@crdougn I read the readme and the button override, but for what I understand it doesn’t allow to change the button icon or add custom cards as button.
I also noted in the github that the app icons are all svgs. Is there a reason?

It took me a while, but I think I understand what you are proposing. Let me think on it for a while.

To answer your question about why I chose to use SVG artwork for the button icons, it mainly comes down to two reasons:

  1. Vector based graphics (SVGs) scale perfectly without losing resolution. You can zoom in, zoom out, view the icon on small screen or a large super high res screen, it doesn’t matter. The artwork will always be clear and precise. This is not true with other image formats such as GIF, JPG, TIFF, WEBP, etc. I want the Firemote card to look nice for everybody using any kind of front end display. We are all a little different, but that doesn’t mean that some should have a better or worse experience than others. Adjust the “scale” slider on the Firemote card, or use your browser to change the zoom level when using the card and you’ll see what I mean.

  2. SVG artwork is essentially just a set of XML data that instructs the browser how to draw the icon. This code can easily be added into an existing HTML/Javascript document without having to include and reference an external image file. There are some minor performance and code maintenance advantages to this approach.

If the reason that you’re asking about the SVG artwork is because you want to add an app launch button, but you don’t have the artwork in SVG format, that’s OK. The vast majority of the app requests that I receive don’t include any artwork. I find it for myself, convert it to the proper format for you. If you want something added, just ask for it here.

Yes, I asked it for that reason and because I noticed SmartTubeNext doesn’t have the original icon.

Oops! You’re right. Sorry about that.

At one point in the project, I did not use logos. Every app button was just text. By the time I decided to improve on that idea by using logos, there were already quite a few app shortcuts that I needed to update. Some logos were easy to find and looked good, others were more of a challenge to find and sometimes they didn’t quite look right, so I skipped them and moved on to the others. I remember SmartTubeNext being one of those logos that fit into both of those categories. As of today, not all of the shortcuts have SVG artwork, and there are about 90 shortcuts in total.

I just published version 2.3.1 and it contains a artwork for the SmartTubeNext app launch button.

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I’m using this card successfully for a HiSense A65K Series TV. I’m using the Nvidia Shield TV Pro 2019 device model. All of the default buttons work including the app launch buttons. I have sniffed ADB commands to change this TVs input and I can do so via home assistant. I’d like to add a button to the remote that I can link to the script to change inputs as necessary. I know I can override one of the existing buttons, but they’re all functional at the moment. Is there an existing way to add buttons or override app launch buttons possibly?

Incredible! This integration is absolutely amazing and works perfectly with my GoogleTV. Congratulations Doug on this achievement! I’m gladly incorporating it into my dashboard.


I have the Android TV Remote integration for my Shield TV. The instructions for Firemote seem to indicate that is all I need and to select the remote entity, but I only seem to get an error asking for the android debug bridge. Do I still need to maintain the debug bridge integration?

Thank you so much for your kind words! It brightens my day to hear from people like you. :slight_smile:

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@dragonsoul84 yes, you need the Android Debug Bridge integration. Can you tell me where you found the instructions you are talking about? What you described is not what the official documentation says about setup in the Firemote GitHub repository:

You’re welcome Doug. Your massive effort truly deserves such kind words :grin:

Here is I integrated your amazing card in my dashboard : it popups in full screen and automatically closes whenever I click outside the card :ok_hand:

2023-06-23 21-04-00 (1)

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I misunderstood step 3 to mean that for Android devices you could use the integration instead of debug bridge. I have setup the debug bridge since my post and the remote is working perfect. I believe I have read in a post in a HA forum where they said, inaccurately I now know, that the android TV integration was all that was needed. That must have skewed my perception of the instructions.

@neilimixamo That’s beautiful! I hope you don’t mind, but I added it to the project’s “show and tell” section here: Let's See Your Dashboards! · PRProd/HA-Firemote · Discussion #129 · GitHub

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@dragonsoul84 - Hmmm… I can see how my words might be a bit confusing. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll work on a re-write to clarify.

@dragonsoul84 - Does this re-write help clarify a little better?–hacs

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That is very clear. I don’t think there can be any misunderstanding now.

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Excellent! Thank you for helping to improve this project.

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@sdholden28 - I hear what you’re saying, but I think that the better approach would be to investigate proper support for the HiSense A65K Series TV itself. Could I ask you to post a link to your exact TV, especially if it contains pictures of the physical remote control as well?

Of course! I was trying not to ask for too much. I’ll submit a device support request on the GitHub page.

I just want to say thank you, I’m semi new but getting by. This in my opinion is awesome, I had hiccups at first but it was because my app showed 2 living room shields. Once I switched it, the functionality came alive and I was mind blown at how easy it was. Everything worked with a small exception, when i click the menu button only the menu is displayed no mater what. I set it so the recently used apps show up so I can close them. Any fix/?