
Hey Thomas,

I did what you said and I can change the friendly name now. But the screen no longer goes to sleep and I can not turn it off or adjust the brightness via the switch.

Wow this is so easily setup with all your instructions and hard work you have shown hereā€¦thanks very much!

I have a question though about how to get the binary sensor (when movement is detected) to send a specific topic to another MQTT device?

I use sonoff devices and usually I publish this via a rule when the device sees movementā€¦
It sends ā€œcmnd/sonoff16/Event Movement_rumpusā€

That then is received by the target device =sonoff16

sonoff16 then triggers its responce which is what I need.

So I setup this for my deviceā€¦

  • platform: mqtt
    name: dashboard_motion
    state_topic: ā€œcmnd/sonoff16/Event Movement_rumpusā€

I dont think that is right though as no MQTT topic is received by my target device atm?
I believe the sonoff ā€œlistenā€ for that ā€œstate_topicā€ and respond with their STATE? How do I setup topics to be published?

Any help would be fantasticā€¦cheers!

The mqtt motion sensor you set up is not actually a working mqtt motion sensor.
I chose mqtt because that works as an easy to set up ā€œdummy sensorā€ which doesnā€™t require any special backend support - but it wonā€™t actually send or receive any mqtt messages.

I suppose an automation would be best, that listens for changes in the motion sensor, and published that to mqtt via some other means.

First thingā€¦thanks for the quick reply!
Ok I see. An automation it is then. I will report back here if/when I get it sorted Thomas.

Regards Steve Wells

Automation (2 required) for my needs was reasonably easy but I did need to reuse some code I found online.

#  Dashboard ScreenLight ON Then turn off after delay

#light.dashboard_screen Light OFF after time delay
- id: DashboardScreenLightOffWhenTimerEnds
  alias: Dashboard Screen Light Off when Unoccupied
    platform: state
    entity_id: light.dashboard_screen
    to: 'on'
      minutes: 1
    condition: state
    entity_id: light.dashboard_screen
    state: 'on'
    service: homeassistant.turn_off
    entity_id: light.dashboard_screen    

# Dashboard Sensor ON Publish a MQTT Packet

#When binary_sensor.back_door_occupied Light ON Publish a MQTT Packet
- id: DashboardMotionSensorONPublishPacket
  alias: Dashboard Motion Sensor On Publish Packet
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.dashboard_motion
    to: 'on'
    condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.dashboard_motion
    state: 'on'
    service: mqtt.publish
      topic: "cmnd/sonoff16/Event"
      payload: "Movement_rumpus"   


Thanks again for your invaluable initial work with this plugin!
I will no doubt be rolling this out to several local screens around my installation.

This looks like a really cool plugin. Iā€™m new to Hass and thinking of using my old Nexus 7 (2012) as a dashboard device. If the thing is not under powered. Maybe a custom ROM will help.

Since the tablet will be sitting in a charging dock I want some automation as well to only turn on the charging dock (with a smart plug) when battery is below a certain level and turn off the plug/charging dock again when fully charged. Never mind, I didnā€™t even read the OT properly. Apparently battery level is provided, so I can use this in an automation, cool!!

Not really related to this, but thinking of also using the Nexus 7 as a (local, not cloud) voice assistant, or is that asking too much from this old poor tablet :slight_smile:

Just started using this.
Am I right in thinking that the user that the panel is logged into HA with must be an Admin?

It is certainly the only way I could make it work.

Alsoā€¦ I canā€™t control the screen from Lovelace. It reports on and off correctly I just canā€™t control it.

For me it also only works when logged in with an admin account.

Iā€™ve moved to using browser-mod.
Give it a try, itā€™s very good.

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You should.
Since the latest update of browser_mod, it has all functions of lovelace-fullykiosk and more.
And browser_mod works even for non-admin users.

In fact, lovelace-fullykiosk is now to be considered deprecated and no support will be given.
I just havenā€™t gotten around to updating the readme yet.

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