Lovelace: Gauge card

yes - I have them appearing in the regular (non-lovelace ui)

Here is mine but I use the built-in version.

          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: gauge
                title: "Disk use"
                entity: sensor.disk_use_percent_
                min: 0
                max: 100
                  green: 0
                  yellow: 60
                  red: 85

              - type: gauge
                title: "Memory use"
                entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                min: 0
                max: 100
                  green: 0
                  yellow: 60
                  red: 85

I actually have two vertically stacked horizontal stacks :slight_smile:

Newbie at HA :wink:
I’m trying to display my Hue Sensors temperature in a Gauge card in Lovelace.
Its working, but after the digits it says undefined.
Example: 20,32 undefined.
i would like it to say 20,32 °C

This is my ui-lovelace.yaml:

  • title: Temperature
    • type: custom:gauge-card
      entity: sensor.gang_motion_sensor.temperature
      attribute: current_temperature
      scale: 50px

Try this:

title: Temperature

  • type: custom:gauge-card
    unit: ‘°C’
    entity: sensor.gang_motion_sensor.temperature
    attribute: current_temperature
    scale: 50px

Hello everyone.
The problem I am facing is with mobile devices (with official app, safari and chrome) There is an animation with the gauge card when I enter the tab. The cards resize from the right bottom. Is there a way to fix this? I am running on hass 0.83.3.
Edit: It seems that the problem occurs when the gauge cards are inside a horizontal stack.

Here are the screenshots:
IMG_4294 IMG_4293 IMG_4292

Here is the code:

  - type: horizontal-stack
    - id: 139
      type: gauge
      entity: sensor.processor_use
      title: RPi Processor
      unit_of_measurement: '%'
      min: 10
      max: 100
        yellow: 45
        green: 10
        red: 85
    - id: 123
      type: gauge
      entity: sensor.raspberry_cpu_temp
      title: RPi Cpu Temp
      unit_of_measurement: °C
      min: 20
      max: 80
        yellow: 52
        green: 10
        red: 59
  - type: horizontal-stack
    - type: gauge
      entity: sensor.memory_free
      title: RPi Memory
      unit_of_measurement: MiB
      min: 0
      max: 1000
        yellow: 250
        green: 500
        red: 0
    - type: gauge
      entity: sensor.ssl_cert_expiry
      title: SSL Cert Expiry
      unit_of_measurement: days
      min: 0
      max: 90
        yellow: 21
        green: 29
        red: 0

After updating to 85.1 the gauge card refuses to display title.
It shows it’s entity name

Anyone else has this problem?

I can change all other properties just not the title

If you mean the core gauge type: gauge,there was a change title -> name
This topic is abaut the type: custom:gauge-card

You are right. I’ve tried the custom component here after the realization that I was using the official component. The problem with the animation is gone. But now there was a problem with the gauges breaking out of boundaries on the ios app, but I also fixed it with scale:40px option mentioned here.


Hey relatively new to HASS, was there something special you did to get these to work? I got everything else for my model s working otherwise :slight_smile:
- input_datetime.tesla_climate_timer
- input_boolean.climate_timer

The official gauge card is working without that problem in 0.86.0b0

after the last update (0.88.1) this happens to me in the “gauge-card” someone has already happened, how can you solve it?

Open file gauge-card.js in editor.
Find line 24.
Comment it out:
/* const shadow = card.attachShadow({ mode: ‘open’ }); /
Open file card-modder.js.
Fine lines 82 - 85.
Comment out:
if(root.shadowRoot) {
root = root.shadowRoot;
} */
Save. Refresh Lovelace.

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Also have the same problem

This didn’t help fix the problem :confused:

For me neither.


Only thing i can suggest is trying to empty the cache and do a hard reload of the page. In Chrome do this by doing CTRL+SHIFT+I then right click the reload button and hit “Empty Cache and Hard Reload” see if that helps at all.

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I’ve tried the basic, obvious things but still the problem persists.
I’ve opened an issue on GitHub, but I see the repo doesn’t appear to have been updated since Sept 2018, so I’m unsure if the cards are still being actively developed / monitored.

Try to use the core gauge and hope that there will be some improvements in the future.

What would/could be the problem if the error is “object is in an invalid state”?


yes, so glad… you have this too, just updated to 94.4 and I suddenly see that.
the object (if that refers to the entity) is most certainly not in an invalid state, because my regular cards (entity, glance) and the native gauge card show the entity just fine…

went to make sure I have the latest card and updated the resources accordingly, refreshed etc etc.

hi to all.
i would like to have other graphical options. is that possible?