Lovelace: Gauge card

Have you checked the entity?
-> Dev Tools/States

Sigh…thanks for suggesting I check. I simply had a typo in the entity name!

Just wondering if there is a list of the colours that we could use.
Only red, green, amber?

why when you do a horizontal stack does it squish the cards into the space of 1 card is there a way to keep the cards the original size but tile them horizontally?

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Does anyone know how to read the power consumption of a “Xiaomi Aqara Wall Plug” socket in a GAUGE Card?
The HAss can display the this value, but this Wall Plug is a Binary Sensor and I can not extract the value in watts.
Any tip? Thanks

Create a template sensor to extract the attribute value as a state. I think the component page has some examples.

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is it possible to create a card with mixed formatting? I mean within the same table insert a gauge card and an entity card, for example … such as a gauge for charging the iphone and next to the same tab the battery status. I hope I managed to explain myself

I think my gauge card’s a little drunk or has a hard time with negative values now… :frowning:


Anyone else run into this issue?

Seems to be working fine so far:


- type: gauge
  title: Outside Temp
  entity: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
  min: -40
  max: 40
    red: -40
    green: 0
    yellow: 30

When I started this post it was at -1, will have to wait until the temperature goes below zero again.

This topic is for the - type: custom:gauge-card

I’m having some strange sizing behaviour. Admittedly this is after I started using the pop-up card by @thomasloven but would that have an effect? They seem to jump from large to small and back again every time they update.


My yaml for the whole view is at the bottom but it is long so I have also copied the gauge and pop-up sections here separately. Any ideas?

          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: gauge
                title: "Disk usage"
                entity: sensor.disk_use_percent_
                scale: 35px
                min: 0
                max: 100
                  green: 0
                  yellow: 60
                  red: 85

              - type: gauge
                title: "Memory usage"
                entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                scale: 35px
                min: 0
                max: 100
                  green: 0
                  yellow: 60
                  red: 85
          - type: horizontal-stack
              - type: gauge
                title: "Processor usage"
                entity: sensor.processor_use
                scale: 35px
                min: 0
                max: 100
                  green: 0
                  yellow: 60
                  red: 85

              - type: gauge
                title: "CPU Temp"
                entity: sensor.cpu_temp
                scale: 35px
                min: 0
                max: 100
                  green: 0
                  yellow: 60
                  red: 70

      - type: custom:popup-card
        entity: sensor.tasmota_earliest_installed_version
        title: Tasmota Firmware Versions
          type: entities
            - entity: sensor.sonoff01_firmware
              name: Sonoff 01
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff02_firmware
              name: Sonoff 02
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff03_firmware
              name: Sonoff 03
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff04_firmware
              name: Sonoff 04
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff05_firmware
              name: Sonoff 05
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff06_firmware
              name: Sonoff 06
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff4ch01_firmware
              name: Sonoff 4ch01
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff_rf01_firmware
              name: Sonoff RF01
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
            - entity: sensor.sonoff_rf02_firmware
              name: Sonoff RF01
              icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline

  - title: System Information
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
    panel: true
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - type: vertical-stack
              - type: custom:popup-card
                entity: sensor.tasmota_earliest_installed_version
                title: Tasmota Firmware Versions
                  type: entities
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff01_firmware
                      name: Sonoff 01
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff02_firmware
                      name: Sonoff 02
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff03_firmware
                      name: Sonoff 03
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff04_firmware
                      name: Sonoff 04
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff05_firmware
                      name: Sonoff 05
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff06_firmware
                      name: Sonoff 06
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff4ch01_firmware
                      name: Sonoff 4ch01
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff_rf01_firmware
                      name: Sonoff RF01
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                    - entity: sensor.sonoff_rf02_firmware
                      name: Sonoff RF01
                      icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline

              - type: entities
                title: Software & Firmware Versions
                show_header_toggle: false
                  - entity: sensor.installed_version
                    name: Hassio Installed Version
                  - entity: sensor.latest_available_version
                    name: Hassio Current Version
                  - type: divider
                  - entity: sensor.tasmota_current_version
                    name: Tasmota Current Version
                    icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline
                  - entity: sensor.tasmota_earliest_installed_version
                    name: Tasmota Earliest Installed Version
                    icon: mdi:alpha-s-box-outline

              - type: custom:tracker-card
                  - sensor.custom_card_tracker
                  - sensor.custom_component_tracker

              - type: custom:migrate-card

          - type: vertical-stack
              - type: entities
                title: System
                show_header_toggle: false
                  - sensor.last_boot
                  - sensor.rpi_uptime
                  - sensor.ha_uptime

                  - type: divider
                      height: 10px

                  - sensor.rpi_power_status

              - type: horizontal-stack
                  - type: gauge
                    title: "Disk usage"
                    entity: sensor.disk_use_percent_
                    scale: 35px
                    min: 0
                    max: 100
                      green: 0
                      yellow: 60
                      red: 85

                  - type: gauge
                    title: "Memory usage"
                    entity: sensor.memory_use_percent
                    scale: 35px
                    min: 0
                    max: 100
                      green: 0
                      yellow: 60
                      red: 85
              - type: horizontal-stack
                  - type: gauge
                    title: "Processor usage"
                    entity: sensor.processor_use
                    scale: 35px
                    min: 0
                    max: 100
                      green: 0
                      yellow: 60
                      red: 85

                  - type: gauge
                    title: "CPU Temp"
                    entity: sensor.cpu_temp
                    scale: 35px
                    min: 0
                    max: 100
                      green: 0
                      yellow: 60
                      red: 70

              - type: entities
                title: Logging
                show_header_toggle: false
                  - input_boolean.debug_messages
                  - input_select.log_level

          - type: vertical-stack
              - type: entities
                title: Internet
                show_header_toggle: false
                - type: weblink
                  icon: mdi:router-wireless
                  name: Router

                - sensor.public_ip_address

              - type: picture-elements
                image: /local/lovelace/internet-card.png
                - type: state-icon
                  entity: sensor.speedtest_download
                    top: 20%
                    left: 4%
                    color: white
                - type: state-label 
                  entity: sensor.speedtest_download
                    top: 20%
                    left: 18%
                    font-size: 115%
                    color: white
                - type: state-icon
                  entity: sensor.speedtest_upload
                    top: 53%
                    left: 4%
                - type: state-label 
                  entity: sensor.speedtest_upload
                    top: 53%
                    left: 18%
                    font-size: 115%
                    color: white

                - type: state-icon
                  entity: sensor.speedtest_ping
                    top: 85%
                    left: 4%
                    color: black

                - type: state-label 
                  entity: sensor.speedtest_ping
                    top: 85%
                    left: 17%
                    font-size: 115%
                    color: white

              - type: history-graph
                title: Speedtest Graph
                hours_to_show: 48
                refresh_interval: 1800
                  - sensor.speedtest_download
                  - sensor.speedtest_upload

The core Gauge card has no option scale.

Thanks, yes. That was mistakenly left over from the old custom card.

However removing it hasn’t fixed the sizing issue…

It seems to be a problem with the sizing of the actual gauges. If I make the browser window bigger they fit properly and don’t jump about in size.

If I make the browser window smaller they really don’t scale properly…


and they still jump about in size


I have that as well but if I refresh the page in the browser it comes good.

I also find the card titles revert to plain text the same size as the other text… a refresh fixes that as well.

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I am trying to do the same, but I cannot figure out how to use the info on the system monitor page - this renders nothing:

- icon: mdi:settings
title: System monitor
id: systemmonitor
type: horizontal-stack
- type: custom:gauge-card
  title: Disk usage
  entity: disk_use_percent /home
  min: 0
  max: 100

Can you please share your code for those 4 systemmonitors you did?

entity needs to be a sensor ie: sensor.disk_used_home

thanks, @firstof9

however - no effect - I get this in the log:
(my url+port)/local/gauge-card.js?v=1:169:21 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘state’ of undefined

this is the full code:
- icon: mdi:settings
title: System monitor
id: systemmonitor
type: horizontal-stack
- type: custom:gauge-card
title: “Disk usage”
entity: sensor.disk_use_home
min: 0
max: 100
green: 0
yellow: 60
red: 85

Use the code formatting: </> on your code to make sure that the spacing is correct.

You have the system monitor sensor component enabled right?