Lovelace Google Calendar

Found where I was able to change the colour. I’m using atomic-calendar custom card and that custom card allows you to set the “timeColor” which I set to white

Hi All.
I would like to get some help with Custom Cards / components. Specifically, the installation of them
I have tried to install various custom components and custom cards
I will refer to Google Calendar Custom Card for this question
With regards to the installation process, I just need to be clear on what is required to be copied/pasted to various parts of the HA Setup

  1. I did not have a ui-Lovelace.yaml file

  2. I have created a ui-lovelace.yaml file in Config folder

  3. If I only have a lovelace.yaml file, how does HA reference to the new ui-lovelace.yaml file?

  4. Confused and require clarification on
    a. .js file – (e.g. calendar-card.js) These appear to go within local folder or www. Is it also correct that they may require folders within the www Folder to place the .js file into?
    b. Resources. I am confused as to exactly where to insert the Resources lines of code
    c. How does HA reference the ui-lovelace.yaml file?
    d. My HA refers to Lovelace file in .Storage Folder
    e. When copy/paste code for the Card, does not go in Lovelace editor (RAW editor) or does it go in configuration.yaml file
    f. Custom-Updater. If this is available for the custom Card/component. Where does this go? Inside the Configuration.yaml file maybe?
    g. Lovelace Google Calendar – Atomic777 – trying tis one also
    h. Card-Modder. What is the card modder please ?

  5. I have read loads and loads of forums, and just when I think I have got it, I read something else that confuses me again

  6. I wish there was a simple clear guide for new people to HA who are trying to add elements to their Home Automation front end to make it look cool

7.	E.g. - In your ui-lovelace.yaml
a.	resources:
b.	  - url:[email protected]/moment.js
c.	    type: js
d.	  - url: /local/custom_ui/calendar-card/calendar-card.js?v=1.0.1
e.	    type: module
f.	...
h.	- type: "custom:calendar-card"
i.	      entities:
j.	        - calendar.ronald_dehuysser
k.	        - calendar. Contacts
m.	- type: "custom:calendar-card"
n.	      name: "Birthdays"
o.	      showProgressBar: false
p.	      numberOfDays: 14
q.	      entities:
r.	       - calendar.contacts
  1. Here is an error that I get in the log
    Error while setting up platform google
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/homeassistant/helpers/”, line 126, in _async_setup_platform
    SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT, loop=hass.loop)
    File “/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/”, line 416, in wait for
    There is more info from the log file
    I have loaded a number of the custom cards into HA however I have not been able to successful one to show up within my Front End
    Using HA 0.93.1 on Raspberry Pi with Safari on iMac for user access to HA

Please help, as I would love to have a number of these Custom Cards/components, installed and working on my Home Assistant tablets

Thanks, and hope this all makes sense.

If this card is not available in the HACS store then you can just add this repo (Custom Plugin repository) via ‘Settings’ page.

That’s odd. I would suggest trying again. I added multiple cards that were not available in the store.

If you notice still an issue then open an issue at HACS repo.

Where and What is the HACS?
Thanks Gents

It’s the replacement for the deprecated “custom_updater” component.

I pretty sure it’s not an issue with HACS. I’m pretty sure the problem is the layout of the github repo.

I’ve added 3 other repo’s manually without any problems. I tried a few more that couldn’t be added because of likely formatting issues of the repo.

I’m stoopid…

Oh ok. I understand. I ran into same issue with one card. Most probably that developer didn’t update that repo in a long time. In those cases I used previous method (via local).

Btw, I am using this card and was able to add to HACS.

then I assume you are configuring lovelace thru the GUI?

If so then I have no experience with that. I use the lovelace in yaml mode.

If that us your case then I can help you with that.

you can put them anywhere in the www folder you want.

before I just installed HACS today I had them in the www/lovelace folder just to keep all the custom lovelace cards corralled into one spot.

Again that depends on how you are configuring your lovelace frontend - GUI or yaml

you have to add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

  mode: yaml

once you do that then you will have to configure everything in the frontend via the ui-lovelace.yaml file. There are definite advantages to doing it that way. If you want more info I can add it later.

depends on your lovelace mode. it sounds like you are using the GUI. I have no experience with that.

Once you decide on how you want to configure Lovelace (move to yaml or stay on GUI) let me know and we can go on (or not…) from there.

yeah, i’m using the local method also for this card.

I like the atomic-calendar better than the ljmerza card so I’ll just stick with this one.

well, crap!!

I just realized I’ve been posting in the wrong thread for the calendar card I’m using.

never mind the stuff about atomic-calendar card.

but @brucys I can still try to help with your confusion! :smile:

Ok I have checked and yes I was on GUI Mode
I have added yaml mode to config file and yes now confirmed that i am now using the ui-Lovelace.yaml file.

  mode: yaml`

Great stuff we are on our way.
I definately would like to learn more @finity
So where to from here
Shall we take this offline or separate group?

I am a structured person so have to learn from the start hence my questions of trying to piece things together. What goes where and what else needs to be loaded for things to work
I am keen to work through one or two custom cards so I understand how it works and what the flow is
I guess how does this change or effect HACS, or is this something again from a frontend interface to easily add cards

Thanks heaps @finity

We should at least move the Lovelace configuration out of this thread to prevent clogging it up with OT stuff.

I’m OK with PM or you can start a new thread and get help from more than just me. Either way is OK.

Hi @finity. I will PM you shortly. Thanks again

Hello ,

Can you put the code to put?

He installed and installed the id and the secret key but I don’t know how to get the card

could you help me?

thank you

I’m sure it’s just me being a noob, but here goes…
I’ve arranged so my google account/calendar works just fine in HA and everything is imported like it should.
In google calendar i can either import an *.ics file and if i do that everything works, the events show up just fine.
The other option i have that would be less maintance for me as in not having to every so often import a ics file would be to add a calendar (ical format as i understand it) from an url.
this is the url i’m working with:
I can see the events just fine if i browse though the calendar, but it seems like the card refuses to show them, not sure why, perhaps there is some access/ownership problem somehow?


installed lovelace google calendar card good
i then followed all steps from
Linked everything good

i see the entities
however when i look at the view, the calendar shows a response error 400???
when i look at dev tools, it says entitie is off

anyone? want to get this to work

have same issue