Lovelace HASL Departure Card with HA-LondonTfL Integration

I have using the Lovelace HASL Departure Card with the HA-LondonTfL Integration form HACS

Cant seem to get this to work correctly with the latest HASL Departure Card. The Platform or Bus numbers do not come up.
Any ideas on what I may be missing here? This is what I get the number should show up next to the icon on the left.


Here is the code

type: custom:hasl4-departure-card
title: ""
show_entity_name: true
show_header: true
show_icon: true
show_departures: true
direction: 0
max_departures: 5
hide_departed: true
show_departed_offeset: 5
show_updated: true
tap_action: info
entity: sensor.london_tfl_238_490000015l

It should look something like the below I believe


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