Lovelace - Help

Hi All

I’ve just updated to HA 86.3. Trying to get my head around Lovelace. I’m getting some errors when trying to add cards. For picture glace I am getting “Invalid card config”

Another error I am getting on another card is " Your config is not supported by the UI editor:
Expected a value of type string for entity but received undefined.
Falling back to YAML editor."

Do I need to do anything with my original .yaml files.


because you don’t have anything else defined for the configuration… At a minimum you need all the attributes that are required.

post your yaml if you do have other things supplied.

Thanks for your reply. Which .yaml file do you want to see?

lovelace yaml

As I upgraded from a previous version I don’t have a lovelace.yaml file. There is only lovelace file saved with the storage folder. From listening to the HA podcase today this is normal.

sorry can’t help then. Haven’t used the GUI version yet.

Thanks anyway

I have the same issue. Upgraded from 0.85 to0.86.3 with lovelave as default.
Never worked on lovelave before lost my sensors accordingly and now I have no idea where to start.

I have fallen back and will come back in some weeks.

I’m experiencing the same problem trying to create picture-glance, picture-entity or picture-elements via the UI. 0.86.4

are you adding the information? They aren’t supported by the gui so you have to add yaml in that view. The documentation is a little wrong on the picture-entity page as well. Some attributes are required even though they say optional. Like entity and image.

Thanks, yeah i manually added camera_image and some entities, that did the trick.