Lovelace History Graph for weather forecast

The Dark Sky climate component provides a per-hour or per-day forecast of temperature and rainfall. Using the weather forecast lovelace component with the per-day forecast looks good, but using the per-day ends up being cluttered and hard to read at a glance.

It would be really great to be able to have a graph (something like the history or sensor card?) that includes the rain and temperature forecast. Does anyone have any idea how to do this?

Huh. Turns out that this exists -

Curious - did you try out that card? Did it give a nice graph based forecast of future precipitation probability?

Yeah, but I had to hack it up a little bit to make it look like I wanted it to. Ended up with this: Screenshot_2019-04-20_21-25-42

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Can you share your configurations?

Note that sgttrs links to Yevgenium and has no active support, the last commit was on April 2022.

There are some forks but who knows which ones are best :frowning: