Lovelace: Home Feed Card

On my PC desktop (Google Chrome browser), the link does not work. Nothing happens.

On my iPhone App, it tries to go outside the App, and open a new safari browser (with log into HA).
So, it does not go to the correct view in the app. Any ideas?

Try using /lovelace/environment instead of /lovelace/Environment. All my Lovelace views have lowercase urls (e.g. /lovelace/weather) and donā€™t work (simply go to the home page) if I use mixed case (e.g. /lovelace/Weather).

What made it work for me (lover case did not work), was using the number for the view.

- content_template: '[Meteorologisk alarm, se varsel!](/lovelace/2)'

It seems the issue is still presentā€¦ today i tried to update to the latest beta, but i noticed the folder was deleted and no new folder with the latest files was created by HACS. I was forced to install manually the 0.3.8 release and HACS still tells me there is a new update to downloadā€¦

Updating HACS to the latest Beta version (0.22.0b1) appears to allow this card to update correctly now and download all the files as expected, at least it did when I tested it just now.

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Ok, iā€™ll wait the stable release of HACS and try againā€¦ for the moment i stay with 0.3.8ā€¦ Thanks.

I am getting ā€œCannot add property exclude_states, object is not extensibleā€ on version .106.2. Just did a new install and have been adding back manually all of my custom lovelace cards. Worked fine on .104.3.
This is what I had:

      - calendars:
          - calendar.bschatzow_gmail_com
          - entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_779324f0
              - 'off'
            include_history: true
            keep_latest: true
            max_history: 20
            remove_repeats: false
          - content_template: '{{display_name}} arrived at {{state}} ({{latitude}},{{longitude}})'
            entity: device_tracker.bill_pixel_gps
            name: Bill
          - entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_778a7342
              - 'off'
            include_history: true
            keep_latest: true
            name: Mailbox
          - entity: cover.west
            include_history: false
            keep_latest: true
            remove_repeats: true
          - entity: cover.middle
            exclude_states: 'off'
            include_history: false
            keep_latest: true
          - entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_777fef56
              - 'off'
            name: office
            remove_repeats: true
        title: Motion
        type: 'custom:home-feed-card'

I tried:

          - calendar.bschatzow_gmail_com
            entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_779324f0
            entity: binary_sensor.wyzesense_778a7342
        title: Motion
        type: "custom:home-feed-card"

Same error

No problems in 0.106.2 and version 0.3.9 of the card.

I have the identical versions and it does not run on mine.

Are you using HACS?
Try to install HACS beta and reinstall the card, or install it manually.

Iā€™d like to show only persistent notification, but using the below code shows all the notifications from my gas, contact, water immerse sensors and the alarm panel. Please help me to filter out all notifications except the persistent_notifications.
Is id_filter good for achieving this? How?

type: custom:home-feed-card
show_empty: false
show_notification_title: true

Assuming that these persistent notifications you want to show in your feed, you should able to set the notification_id for any persistent notifications you create in automations and use a prefix (I use home_feed_) like this:

- service: persistent_notification.create
    message: This is a test.
    title: Test notification
    notification_id: home_feed_test_notification

You can then use this in the card:

type: custom:home-feed-card
show_empty: false
show_notification_title: true
id_filter: ^home_feed_.*

The id_filter option takes a regular expression, and the one above matches anythoing which starts with home_feed_

Thank you for your response. Iā€™ve tried the above example but still shows all the sensor statuses.

Gas sensor @ Safe
21 hours ago

Smoke detector @ Safe
21 hours ago

I have another home-feed-card on another tab on which I use to monitor these sensor statuses, but not at this card on this tab.

It looks like something weird has happened with the caching.
Some of the content gets cached in localSettings, this includes:

  • Notifications
  • Calendar events
  • History items (entities with include_history: true)

To avoid different instances of the card sharing the cache it uses a key based on the page url and card title, but it would seem that this doesnā€™t always work as expected. I believed that the issue was only with multiple instances of the card on the same page (particularly if the card title is not set), but it looks like this may not be the case. What version do you have?

Iā€™d been working on better ways of handling the caching, but had to shelve that in order to fix the issues due to 0.106. I should be able to take another look now.

Iā€™m using Home Assistant 0.106.2 and Lovelace Home Feed Card v 0.3.9.

I am on HACS. Is HACS the issue?

I am on 106.2 & 3.9 also. Also have an issue with a different card. So something changed on how the system is handling the information from the cards. Your card at least only cause errors in Lovelace. The other card (garbage collection) prevents Lovelace from loading. Took me a couple of weeks to figure out why my .104.3 update kept failing to load Lovelace after updating.

I have created a new Beta version, 0.4.0b1.
This new version contains no new functionality, but has been refactored to use Node JS and webpack in order to produce a single Javascript file, which should both avoid the issues with installing via HACS and make the code easier to maintain in future.

WARNING: This is the first time I have used webpack, so there may be issues

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Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s user error or not. Iā€™ve had this issue ongoing. After some reboots it shows my calendar events but most of the time it doesnā€™t. Iā€™ve posted a screen shot as a reference.

Is that using the Google calendar component or something else? Iā€™ve not noticed it with that, but I have had calendars which have failed to initialise properly after a restart. Itā€™s probably worth checking the home-assistant.log file for calendar related errors (and also checking the browser console for Javascript errors).
Also, the card will only refresh the calendar events every 15 minutes (it caches them in local storage) so it may be that if calendar component couldnā€™t be set up immediately after a restart but then starts working it may take a bit of time for them to show in the card.