Lovelace: Home Feed Card

I reloaded your card and hacs, then cleared browser cache and it looks like it is working again. Thanks.

hi @Steven_Rollason

trying this card for the first time I was wondering if we could ditch the bell icon in front of each notification, which takes away precious card real estate and adds no extra info, when used for only notificationsā€¦

Love the way we can dismiss each notification, aamof was looking for a way to do so in my own Markdown card, but hadnā€™t found it yet:

as you can see I have a little extra info in the counter, can we add something ike that in the Feed card? If not would you accept a feature request? And have a dismiss_all button next to that in 1 go ;-)?

Iā€™m using my calendar through my Synology Server. I donā€™t see any Javascript errors but Iā€™m not 100% sure I know what Iā€™m looking at.

Itā€™s weird that sometimes it works and other times it doesnā€™t.

It looks like the calendar aspect is working because when I look at the states for my calendars I can see this:

Did anyone try this with the Edge browser? Iā€™m getting ā€œcustom element does not exist: home-feed cardā€, on two different computers with Win10.
The script is getting loaded, but I donā€™t see it in the debugger.
I have a similar issue with light-entity-card, suspecting some polyfill issues. All the other custom components I have load fine.

I think no one answered this question.

Iā€™m also interested: Is there a way to hide the time stamp?

Is it possible to use the state value for another entity in the exclude statement?
Have tried a lot of variants without success.

You might be able to use my Card Templater card for this. I think something like this would work:

type: 'custom:card-templater'
  type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
  title: Hendelser
  show_empty: false
  show_notification_title: true
    - entity: sensor.ha_version_new
        - string_template: >-
            {{ states('sensor.ha_version_installed') }}
  - sensor.ha_version_new
  - sensor.ha_version_installed

That worked great!

One more thing, the code:
- content_template: 'HA OS new version ({{state}})'
gives this result, with the ā€œ@ā€ as a part of the state value. Is it possible to get rid of the ā€œ@ā€?

Thatā€™s an unfortunate issue due to card-templater relying on templated parameters having _template in the name and stripping this off when applying the template, basically replacing content_template with content.
Itā€™s something that had never occurred to me, since I had never thought about using the home-feed-card inside the card-templater before.

Iā€™ll need to see if there is a way to avoid it (such as a way to flag parameters like this to stop templating from being applied).

Iā€™ve released a beta version (0.0.9b1) of the card-templater card which allows you to prevent an option which ends with _template from being picked up as a template. Currently you add ! to the end to do this (this may change in the relase version) so you would use it like this:

type: 'custom:card-templater'
  type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
  title: Hendelser
  show_empty: false
  show_notification_title: true
    - entity: sensor.ha_version_new
      content_template!: 'HA OS new version ({{state}})'
        - string_template: >-
            {{ states('sensor.ha_version_installed') }}
  - sensor.ha_version_new
  - sensor.ha_version_installed

Can you try it with the beta and let me know how it works for you?

I have now released version 0.4.0 of the Home Feed Card. This includes everying from the 0.4.0 betas plus a few additions. It includes:

  • Refactored to use Node.js
  • Fix an issue where old history items remain in cache after removing all entities from config
  • Fixed calendar_days_back option
  • Added history_days_back option
  • Added card_id option to override key used for caching in Local Storage (default is Page URL + Card Title) - this allows you to both have multiple feeds on the same page or have the same feed on different pages sharing the cache (may improve performance)
  • Optimisation of libraries (particularly Moment)
  • Vulnerability fixes in libraries

Note: As part of the optimisation, not all locales are included when importing Moment. It should include all locales supported by Home Assistant, but if you have issues (e.g. it falls back to English for dates and times) please let me know and I will add your locale to those which are imported.

Just wanted to post Iā€™m happily using your card. Keep up the good work!

Hi Steven, since updating to 0.4.0 my feed doesnā€™t seem to be updating. Not sure if this is a bug or something only on my sideā€¦ no log entries about it.

my card config is below, which worked prior to this version

- type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
        title: Last Motion
        id_filter: ^nothing.*
        max_item_count: 5
          - entity: binary_sensor.ensuite_multisensor_motion
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.garage_multisensor_sensor
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.gym_multisensor_sensor
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.kitchen_multi_sensor_sensor
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.lounge_multisensor_sensor
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001ad43db
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.pantry_motion_sensor
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.paradox_z14_main_shed_pir
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.paradox_z15_garden_shed_pir
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.paradox_z4_lounge_pir
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.paradox_z5_living_pir
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"
          - entity: binary_sensor.passage_multi_sensor_sensor
            include_history: true
            remove_repeats: false
              - "off"

Is the feed empty, or is it just stuck? If it is stuck, it may be worth clearing the cache by removing anything starting with home-feed from Local Storage (in Chrome you can do this from the Developer Tools > Application tab and then expand Local Storage).

Deleting those items from the Dev tools in Chrome didnā€™t fix it. It seems to be giving timestamp values of roughly the last HA boot. Both Chrome and the android app.

Nothing changed in 0.4.0 which should affect this, but there is logic for regular entities regarding unavailable entities which isnā€™t present for history entities. To check if this is the issue, can you try setting include_history to false for these and see if any of them show as unavailable?

Iā€™ve made that change but the card doesnā€™t show anything at all.

Rolled back to 0.3.8 to see what happens

EDIT: still not working even with old version that previously worked and original card config :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Works fine. But using the card-templater url-code does not work, like

  content_template: >-
    [OS update is available ({{state}})](/hassio/dashboard). 

Version 0.4.0)

You need to use it like this (assuming you have the 0.0.9b1 beta of card-templater):

content_template!: >-
   [OS update is available ({{state}} (/hassio/dashboard).

In the card-templater beta adding the exclamation mark after the property tells it to ignore it and just pass it unchanged to the card (the home feed card does its own templating for that property).

If rolling back hasnā€™t fixed it it seems like it might be a problem with those binary sensors. Have you restarted Home Assistant in case something got stuck when it last started?