Lovelace: Home Feed Card

I’ll apply a fix for this when I’ve got time but, if you use card-mod, you should be able to get it working in the meantime by adding this to the end of the card configuration (this will likely be the same styling change as I will do in the card to fix it anyway):

style: |
  ha-markdown { 
    width: 100%; 

For example,

type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
id_filter: <your filter>
  - entity: sensor.whatever
style: |
  ha-markdown { 
    width: 100%; 
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I think I can wait for the fix.

Do you need me to open a Github issue for this topic?

This should be fixed in the latest update (0.5.0) which also includes these fixes:

  • Improved popup formatting for multi entity and calendar events
  • Exclude null states by default
  • Refresh notifications on reconnection (sometimes new notifications would only appear if you reload the page).

is there any way to pick specific attributes from the same entity to be listed separately? the reddit example is a list. I need specific individual attributes form the same entity to be shown not a list like the “posts” example

Also on the content_template, is it possible to support full templating? example a .split function on a string

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Scrollbar now already appears, but it is overlapped with the timestamp:

Is this fixable also?

Thanks in advance.

I can’t reproduce this in Chrome on macOS:

It may be something to do with how a particular browser or OS renders the scrollbars. What browser and OS are you on?

Edit: I’ve checked it now it the following browser/OS combinations:

  • Chrome on Windows 10
  • Edge (new Chromium based) on Windows 10
  • Firefox on Windows 10
  • Safari on macOS
  • Chrome on macOS
  • Firefox on macOS

They all render the same with the scrollbar above the timestamp, with the only differences being Firefox and Safari on macOS which don’t display the scrollbar until you start scrolling.

Indeed, I would love to do so. Have you found any solution?

i ended up creating a bunch of input_text and then sensor templates so i can customize the content as needed

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Using MacOS and Safari, sorry for not mentioning it upfront.

Need to do some more testing, some cache refresh may be needed.

What version of macOS and Safari are you on?

I can’t reproduce this in macOS Catalina with Safari 14 (Safari 14 is default on Big Sur but available as an update on Catalina and Mojave).

Hi everyone,
I recently became a heavy user of this awesome custom component, thank you!
Is it normal if I see the permanent notifications in all my home_feed even though I haven’t asked for it?

I originally designed the card as a way of displaying persistent notifications in a feed and it grew from that, so never implemented a way to prevent notifications from being shown.
I’ll try to work out the best way of doing this but, in the meantime, you should be able to use the id_filter option with something which will never appear in an actual notification id. Something like id_filter: ^none$ should work (that will only match notifications where the id is “none”).

Thanks! It seems to work :slight_smile:

It seems I get another bug, or I am doing something wrong.
My recorder is setup on 10 day purge.

Here is a screenshot on the 3rd of Nov

And here on the 5th of Nov

So it disappears every single time…
Do you know why?

Here is the related code:

type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
title: Dernières venues
card_id: berta_home_feed
show_empty: false
scrollbars_enabled: false
max_item_count: 10
compact_mode: true
id_filter: ^none$
state_color: true
  - entity: person.berta
    include_history: true
    remove_repeats: false
    format: datetime
    max_history: 10

Hi there, loving this card!

Just one question: Is it possible to somehow “group” entities with this? I don’t need every light that is on/off listed as a single notification but instead would prefer something like: lights are on (bedroom light, living room light, kitchen light) etc…

With e.g. 5 lights switched on plus a couple of other notifications displayed the card quickly gets “confusing”.

Best regards!

Thank you for this card, very useful indeed.

I think there may be a recently introduced problem with include_history - I no longer get output if I use that feature.

I have created a short example to demonstrate the problem.

type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
title: Home Feed
card_id: main_feed
max_height: 70em
more_info_on_tap: true
show_empty: true
state_color: true
  - entity: binary_sensor.first_floor_door
    content_template: '{{display_name}} {{state}}'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 3
    remove_repeats: false
  - entity: binary_sensor.bedroom_door_sensor
    content_template: '{{display_name}} {{state}}'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 3
    remove_repeats: false

Despite opening and closing the doors several times, I get no output unless I remove the include_history option, in which case I (correctly) get one entry per entity.

Kind thoughts,


The include_history option is still working for me.
The first things to check would be that:

  • You have either default_config or history and recorder enabled in your config
  • If you are using the include or exclude options in recorder or history that that particular entity is included by the filters.

My configuration.yaml starts:

# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Text to speech

I have no recorder or history sections in my configuration.yaml so I believe it isn’t that.

Interestingly, if I remove one of the two entities from the card I get a single entry for the remaining entity as if the include_history option wasn’t included.

All suggestions gratefully received!


I found the problem - my database was corrupt. I deleted it and things are now working.

I’m sorry I doubted the stability of the card :slight_smile:

Kind thoughts,


Is there a way to have unavailable entities to simply not appear rather than show the standard ‘Entity not available’ message?

This would help with Plex which seems to have started removing media_players that haven’t been active recently.

As I’m restarting HA quite a bit the timer under each entry gets reset on each restart. Is there a way to prevent this or do I have to set a timestamp as an attribute and use this instead?