Lovelace: Home Feed Card

If you already have betas enabled alredy for the plugin/integration it should show up as an available update. To enable betas, you need to click on the three dots button for that plugin/integration and select “Reinstall” from the menu. You can then toggle the beta option and install it. You would also do this if you want to rollback to a previous version.

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Is there any to be able to use either a wildcard/regex/jinja template to specific entities to show in the card?

The easiest way would be to have this card inside the auto-entities card.

Any idea what might be causing this?


The above is with scrollbars_enabled: false, compact_mode: true, and a max_height.

Would you be able to post the card config? There might be something odd going on with the combination of entity types and the maximum height you have defined or the particular value you have for the maximum height.

Here it is, pared down to one entity of each domain used:

- compact_mode: true
    - content_template: Front Yard Motion <b>Detected</b>
      entity: image_processing.rekognition_leftfrontyard
        - '0'
      include_history: true
      max_history: 10
      remove_repeats: false
    - content_template: 'Front Door <b>{{state}}</b>'
      entity: sensor.front_door_status
        - unavailable
        - Closed
      include_history: true
      max_history: 10
        Open: Opened
    - content_template: 'Big Garage Door <b>{{state}}</b>'
      entity: cover.big_garage_door
        - unavailable
        - closed
      include_history: true
      max_history: 10
        open: Opened
    - content_template: 'Redacted Home <b>{{state}}</b>'
      entity: switch.alarm_toggle
        - unavailable
      include_history: true
      max_history: 10
        'off': Disarmed
        'on': Armed
    - content_template: 'Redacted <b>{{state}}</b>'
      entity: device_tracker.redacted_redacted
        - unavailable
      include_history: true
      max_history: 10
        home: arrived Home
        redacted: arrived at redacted
        not_home: 'Traveling ({{speed}} mph)'
  id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
  max_height: 38.5em
  max_item_count: 13
  more_info_on_tap: false
  scrollbars_enabled: false
  show_empty: false
  state_color: true
  title: Logs
  type: 'custom:home-feed-card'

I have exactly the same problem (version 0.4.3b2)
Here is also my card config maybe it helps:

compact_mode: true
  - content_template: garagedeur
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_garagedr
      - unknown
  - content_template: huiskamer
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_huiskamer
      - unknown
  - content_template: keuken
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_keuken
      - unknown
  - content_template: hal
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_hal
      - unknown
  - content_template: badkamer
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_badkamer
      - unknown
  - content_template: strijkkamer
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_strijkkamer
      - unknown
  - content_template: keukendeur
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_keukendeur
      - unknown
  - content_template: '{{display_name}}'
    entity: binary_sensor.bijkeukendeur
      - unknown
      'off': dicht
      'on': open
  - content_template: voordeur
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_voordeur
      - unknown
  - switch.deurbel
  - content_template: toilet
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_toilet
      - unknown
  - content_template: '{{display_name}}'
    entity: binary_sensor.garagedeur
      - unknown
      'off': dicht
      'on': open
  - content_template: '{{display_name}}'
    entity: binary_sensor.keukendeur
      - unknown
      'off': dicht
      'on': open
  - content_template: '{{display_name}}'
    entity: binary_sensor.voordeur
      - unknown
      'off': dicht
      'on': open
  - content_template: slaapkamer
    entity: binary_sensor.pir_slaapkamer
      - unknown
  - content_template: pir1
    entity: binary_sensor.pir1
      - unknown
exact_durations: true
  - unknown
max_history: 1
more_info_on_tap: true
remove_repeats: true
scrollbars_enabled: true
show_empty: false
title: beweging
type: 'custom:home-feed-card'

I have reduced it to only two entities and even then it gives the same wrong result. I also changed the different options from false to true and vice versa but that didn’t make a change.

@HITChris @Mediacj
Can you please try with the latest update (0.4.4) which has a styling fix which should fix this?

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Yes it is solved! Thanx!

You da man. Compact mode appears a little more compact (vertical spacing reduced, so my 13 max_item_count card is now shorter), but otherwise its all good now.

How can I reduce the empty space when the card is “hidden”? Here’s my config:

          - type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
            compact_mode: true
              - content_template: '{{display_name}} is {{state}}'
                entity: cover.garage_door
                  - unknown
                  - open
                  - closed
              - unknown
            more_info_on_tap: true
            remove_repeats: true
            scrollbars_enabled: true
            show_empty: false
            style: |           
              ha-card {
                color: white;
                font-weight: 600;
                padding-bottom: 0px;
                background-color: var(--primary-background-color);
              state-badge {
                display: none;
              hui-timestamp-display {
                display: none !important;

I’ve released 0.4.7 which includes the following changes:

  • Sets the card style to display: none if there are no items in the feed and show_empty is false (this should fix your issue @JesseWebDotCom).
  • Sets the card size based on the number of items in the feed, which should improve layout if you have the home-feed-card and other cards in the same view.
  • Adds the card to the card picker when you add a new card.

Works - Thanks!

I’ve released version 0.4.8. This includes the following changes:

  • Fixed popups when clicking on history, multi-entity, calendar event, and notification items in Home Assistant 0.113 (this was affected by the more-info refactor)
  • Updated styling to properly support Shadow DOM (the main card previously didn’t have a shadow root, and so there was a potential for the styling to leak)
  • Close popups which contain links when clicking on the link (e.g. if you have notifications containing links)

I’m hoping I’m doing something stupid, but I’ve done what you described here, and the persistent notifications aren’t being replaced when a new one is sent. In other words, if I execute:

- service: persistent_notification.create
    message: This is a test.
    title: Test notification
    notification_id: home_feed_test_notification

I see the persistent notification in the Home Feed card exactly as I’d expect. If I then make this call:

- service: persistent_notification.create
    message: This is a test__2.
    title: Test notification__2
    notification_id: home_feed_test_notification

I still see the original notification. It was my understanding from this that if you use the same notification_ID, that the second notification would supersede the first and replace it. Is that not the case?

What I’m hoping to do is use the notification_id as basically a “channel” for types of notifications that I could have show up in the feed.



I’ve released a new beta version (0.4.9b1) which should hopefully fix this. The original version of the card subscribed to persistent notification updates but, for performance reasons, this was replaced with a check on the number of notifications shown in the notification icon which had issues if notifications are overwritten or one is created at the same time as another one is dismissed.

I have been able to make changes which avoid the previous performance issues, so I have been able to re-add the subscription method in the new version.

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That’s fantastic! I’ll test it out today. Thank you for taking the time to respond and for your work on this card. It’s really useful and fills a big void in functionality.

Great card!
Is there a way to trigger a different file as popup than the typical more-Info views? Something like this: tap_action: !include popup_card.yaml
either from the card as a whole or from individual entities?

Never mind, I figured out how to do this with hass-browser_mod component.

Is it possible to remove/hide the icon and remaining time from a persistant notification?

Hello @Steven_Rollason.

First of all, thanks a lot for your card.

I am starting to use to show persistent notifications as a Lovelace card and I just noticed something odd.

I have a persistent notification like this (it contains an horizontal scrollbar):

Still then, your card doesn’t seem to show it properly:

Is this something that can be somehow fixed?

Thanks in advance for all your help.