Lovelace: Home Feed Card

It’s still showing up for me. Maybe there was an issue retrieving the data from GitHub? Try clicking the “Reload Data” button in the settings.

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That did the the trick. Thanks man :slight_smile:

Something liks this works fine for me:

type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
  - calendar.home_calendar
  - calendar.work_calendar
  - binary_sensor.front_door
  - binary_sensor.back_door
max_height: 80vh
scrollbars_enabled: false
title: Home Feed

I’ve just released a couple of new beta versions.

Version 0.2.9b1 introduced these changes:

  • Improved caching
  • exclude_states option for excluding certain entity states
  • format option to control display of timestamp (default is “relative”)

0.2.9b2 added the following:

  • more_info_on_tap option to allow the standard more-info dialogue to be displayed on clicking or tapping an entity (this can be set globally or per entity)

Strange, that didn’t seem to have any effect on the height of the card

Do you have a screenshot of what you are seeing? The only thing I can think is that the option sets the maximum height of the card rather than a fixed height, so the actual height can be smaller if the combined height of the items is less than the height you set. You can see if that is the case by setting the max_height option to something small like “1em”.

If you want a fixed height, I may be able to add an option to set the minimum height as well. You could then set a fixed height by having both set to the same value.

Here is my lovelace config, and then below that is the screenshot of the lower edge I am looking at. I am trying to get it inline with the other card

  - entity: sensor.backporch_motion
  - entity: sensor.mudroom_motion
  - entity: sensor.frontroom_motion
  - entity: sensor.hallway_motion
 max_height: 80vh
title: Home Feed
type: 'custom:home-feed-card'

@tc23 A max_height of 80vh means 80% of the viewport (window) height. Try experimenting with different heights using em instead (you could also use px if you want an exact pixel size, but this may make it look different in different browsers).

For example, with my experimenting, to make the feed card the same height as two entities cards each containing three entities I had to set the max_height to 32em

This is very cool. I’ve made a “Last movement” list to see the last twenty PIR movements detected:


type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
title: Last Movement
show_empty: true
id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
max_item_count: 20
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_bathroom
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_deck_front
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_deck_side
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_dining
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_drive
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_ensuite
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_entry
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_hall
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_laundry
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_lounge
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: Clear
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_master_bedroom
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_rumpus
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_spare_bedroom
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_stairs
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_study
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_wardrobe
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_washing_line
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_workshop
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'
style: |
  ha-card {
    border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);

However I only want it to show movement, not the return to clear state. I’ve tried all of these without success:

  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_lounge
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: Clear
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_lounge
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: clear
  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_lounge
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'

Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?

The dev tools states menu reports the PIRs states as off when clear.
The ‘Clear’ state was in quotes but lovelace removed them

Also I dont suppose I can use wildcards like this?

  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_*
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
    exclude_states: 'off'

It would considerable shorten that card config.

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That should be like this:

- entity: binary_sensor.pir_lounge
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
      - 'off'

If you want to use wildcards it’s best to use something like auto-entities around my card. Then you can do something like this:

type: 'custom:auto-entities'
  type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
  title: Last Movement
  show_empty: true
  id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
  max_item_count: 20
   - entity_id: binary_sensor.pir_*
       icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
       include_history: true
       max_history: 20
       remove_repeats: false
         - 'off'

I have auto entities. Why didn’t I think of that? Thanks.

Unfortunately this config:

  - entity: binary_sensor.pir_lounge
    content_template: '{{display_name}} Movement {{state}}'
    icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
    include_history: true
    max_history: 20
    remove_repeats: false
      - 'off'

Still results in:

Can you confirm what version you are using?
The exclude_states option was added in the 0.2.9b1 beta version. If you use HACS you will need to select “Show beta” on the “hamburger” menu on the card details to see the beta versions. Otherwise you can download the betas from the releases page page on the repository.

Yep that’s the issue. I’m not on the beta version, apologies.

Thanks. I’ll upgrade now.

Yikes! I upgraded to the beta version and did a force refresh of the page and got a nasty red Custom element doesn't exist: home-feed-card.

I didn’t notice that the resource had changed.

Fixed that and it is working as expected. Thank you.

Now for auto-entity-ing it…

EDIT: well that was painless thanks to your example. It was pretty much done.

type: 'custom:auto-entities'
  type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
  title: Last Movement
  show_empty: true
  id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
  max_item_count: 20
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.pir_*
        content_template: '{{display_name}} Movement {{state}}'
        icon: 'mdi:motion-sensor'
        include_history: true
        max_history: 20
        remove_repeats: false
          - 'off'

Thanks again.

The filename has always been “lovelace-home-feed-card.js” but HACS used to strip the “lovelace-” from the filename when it downloaded it but it seems something changed in a recent update to HACS and it stopped doing this and downloads the file as is.

Glad you got it working :smile:

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I have now published two releases:

0.2.9 has been released as a non-Beta release

0.2.10b1 has been released to Beta. This includes a change to how icons are displayed. This was previously using ha-icon to display these, which made it difficult to use the default icon for an entity. It would only pick up entities defined in the card config or in the attributes of the entity (e.g. through customize).

It now uses state-badge, which is the same as is used by the entities card. This means two things will change:

  1. Unless the icons are overridden the icon may change based on the state (e.g. an door sensor which is open will display a different icon from one which is closed)
  2. The colour of the icon will also change based on the state, whether or not the icon is overridden. The colours will depend on your theme (I have the default theme and the icon is blue if the sensor is off and yellow if it is on).
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Is it possible to align the icons?

@VDRainer I’ve just made a tweak to the styling of this, can you try with 0.2.10b2?

Yeah! Perfect aligned :slightly_smiling_face:

On the latest beta ( 0.2.10b2) if I enable remove_repeats for an entity it also removes the most recent entry as well. i.e. if there are more than two identical states for an entity, nothing shows for that entity. Is that the way it is supposed to work?

  id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
  max_item_count: 20
  show_empty: true
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
  title: Last Movement
  type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.pir_*
        content_template: '{{display_name}} Movement {{state}}'
          - 'off'
        include_history: true
        max_history: 20
        remove_repeats: false
type: 'custom:auto-entities'


Where as

  id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
  max_item_count: 20
  show_empty: true
  style: |
    ha-card {
      border: solid 2px var(--primary-color);
  title: Last Movement
  type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
    - entity_id: binary_sensor.pir_*
        content_template: '{{display_name}} Movement {{state}}'
          - 'off'
        include_history: true
        max_history: 20
        remove_repeats: true
type: 'custom:auto-entities'
