I swear this was displaying every persistent_notification a few days ago. Now I can’t get it to display any notifications (not specifically defined under entities). id_filter: persistent_notification.*
doesn’t seem to work. What am I missing?
@BrianHanifin You don’t need the persistent_notification. part (it filters on the notification id, which is usually the same as the entity id for the notification without the persistent_notification. part).
The filter should be in the form of a regular expression, but if you leave out the id_filter option entirely, it should default to matching all notifications.
Thank you @Steven_Rollason. It worked originally because I was looking at the wrong component guide and added deviceID
instead of id_filter
. I discovered that it stopped working when a window sensor I have in the entities
list became invalid recently (when I switched to deCONZ from Zigbee2Mqtt). That’s what caused this to disappear.
Just tried this card, but after configuring all i still get this:
I added this to the resources through HACS:
- url: /community_plugin/lovelace-home-feed-card/lovelace-home-feed-card.js
type: js
and this is the card i configured:
- type: custom:lovelace-home-feed-card
title: Home Feed
show_empty: false
- calendar.inter_calendar
id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
- binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001ddac9e
- entity: sensor.hacs
name: Update HASS
Any hints?
EDIT: I already cleared the cache several times…
@maurizio53 The Javascript file is named lovelace-home-feed-card.js but the name of the card itself is just home-feed-card, without the lovelace- part, so try it like this:
- type: custom:home-feed-card
title: Home Feed
show_empty: false
- calendar.inter_calendar
id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
- binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001ddac9e
- entity: sensor.hacs
name: Update HASS
Sorry, same result.
If you are using Google Chrome, try opening the developer tools and checking if there are any Javascript errors in the console and also if there are any errors in the Home Assistant log file.
In the log i get this:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier ‘LitElement’ has already been declared
And also in the console… same error.
I’d had a previous report about that error. I’d fixed it in the latest beta version but I hadn’t promoted the fix to release. I’ve done that now, so can you try updating to version 0.2.12 (it may take a short time for this to refresh in HACS for you) and see if that fixes it for you?
Ok, i’ll do it later and then let you know… Thanks!
Yes, It works…
Is there an option which add’s a new item on top of the list when the state of an entity changes instead of just changing the state?
You can do this using the include_history option for an entity, you just need to make sure that you have the particular entity included in the options for the built in recorder component. The configuration in the card would look something like this:
type: custom:home-feed-card
- entity: sensor.front_door
include_history: true
max_history: 5
The max_history option controls how many changes it will show (depending on the purge_interval and purge_keep_days options you have configured for the recorder component).
@Steven_Rollason This is my card, but as soon as I add the include_history:
all of the items dissappear leaving me with an empty card. Am I missing something?
- type: 'custom:home-feed-card'
max_height: 80vh
scrollbars_enabled: false
title: Home Feed
id_filter: ^home_feed_.*
max_item_count: 8
- entity: binary_sensor.openclose_14
name: De brievenbus
include_history: true
max_history: 5
- entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_wc
name: Motion sensor wc
include_history: true
max_history: 5
- entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_gang
name: Motion sensor gang
include_history: true
max_history: 5
- entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_hall
name: Motion sensor hal
include_history: true
max_history: 5
- entity: light.hall
name: Licht in de hal
include_history: true
max_history: 5
- entity: light.slaapkamer
name: Licht in de slaapkamer
include_history: true
max_history: 5
- entity: light.woonkamer
name: Licht in de woonkamer
include_history: true
max_history: 5
- entity: light.wc
name: Licht in de wc
include_history: true
max_history: 5
How it is possible in the content_template change the color of the text?
I get this actually… very unreadable.
Same issue for same scope (movement history)
@moostmartijn @Jokerigno
This happens if it can’t find the entities in the history, which could be for a number of reasons:
- You don’t have the history integration enabled in your configuration (in this case you would not have the History option in the sidebar).
- You have the recorder integration configured using the include option to specifically include certain entities/domains and need to add those sensors
- You have the recorder integration configured using the exclude and this list contains the domain or entity id of those sensors. You will then need to add them to the include so they appear in the history.
Edit: In addition to this, the card only retrievs the last 24 hours of history. If the latest change to any of those sensore was more than 24 hours ago they won’t appear.
If your content_template is something like this:
content_template: '[{{title}}]({{url}})'
try changing it to
content_template: '<a href="{{url}}"><font color="white">{{title}}</font></a>'
Replacing “white” with whatever colour you want to use.
Thanks, that made the work!