Lovelace: HVV Card - Hamburg Local Transportation Card


During the winter break, I started to learn about HA custom cards a bit. As an example project, I chose a departure overview card for my local transportation service HVV (Hamburg, Germany).

The card is based on the existing HVV Departure Integration from @vigonotion and uses the sensor’s data to create an overview of all departing trains and buses for a certain station.


The code is available on Github including instructions on how to use the card via HACS or manual installation.

I’m not a frontend expert, but I’m happy to receive feedback and learn how to improve the card.

– Nils


Nice! I also developed such a card but I never finished it and never published it, but it has some more CSS code for the bus and fairy icons. If you want to take a look and implement it in your card, feel free to do so:


I would do a PR but that might take a while before I can start that, don’t have much time currently.

Thanks @vigonotion, I just created and merged a PR that included styles from your Gist:

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Thank you very much, this card is awsome! I like, that you included delays into the departure times.

Does anyone has an idea how to Turn updating of the hvv Integration on and off? When im away I don’t need it to Update and can safe some bandwidth


currently with HA 2022.7.2 (probably since 2022.7.0) there is a problem with the authentication against - Failed to connect
Does anyone have an workaround? Thanks

Same problem here.

Probably a hint - there was a breaking change with 2022.7.0
Home Assistant now ships with Python 3.10. This might be a breaking change in case you are using custom integration that does not support Python 3.10 yet.

I already opened a issue some days ago:

Sadly the the pull request from @vigonotion wasn’t merged yet:
Some checks are currently not successful.

Hopefully the PR will be merged fast :slight_smile:

The pull request was merged and is available with HA version 2022.7.7

Hello @nilstgmd, how to hide the name on your Card? show_name: false doesn’t work. Thanks!


What a great Card! The only problem I have with it is that it won’t update the times shown. For example when it says in 10 minutes, it stays there for hours and doesn’t refresh.

Am I doing something wrong or what can I do to have the times updated every minute?

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I wonder if you ever solved this issue - I’ve got the same problem.

Does anybody found a solution for that problem? I decided the same issue yesterday (I got my api credentials yesterday und configured all).

I found no forks where it was fixed on github, so I took a look into it and fixed it by my self.

I have created a pull request - but is the card still under development? It looks like it’s not, because there are still two other pull requests that are not merged. :frowning:

Hi @mraction how did you fix it?

Hi @Andre_HH

you can find my changes here: Fix not working update since switch from property entity to entities by mraction · Pull Request #18 · nilstgmd/hvv-card · GitHub

Or you can use my fork GitHub - mraction/hvv-card: Custom Home Assistant card showing HVV departures 🚝 that contains my fix and also the other two pending pull requests in nilstgmds repo.

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It’s a great card! Is it possible to only show specific trains or bus for a station?