about the resource template: cant we also use set path = ‘/config/lovelace/’ and use that in the template creating the resource url’s? I was wondering how this would work, and, secondly, if the version control could be added?
{% set resources = [
] %}
{% set path = '/config/lovelace/'%}
{% for res in resources %}
- url: {{path}}!resource {{res}}
type: js
{% endfor %}
no, changes are applied without restart.
Must confess I have several cards that require a manual clear cache/reload. Other than that, I can report correct functionality, even with nested includes.
well, can’t say. Works here. most of the time … You say
not always
so take it it does work now and then? it should. Maybe you can deduct in with card it doesn’t work as expected?
Example: I have the custom card for Dark_sky, and that uses an enormous amount of config settings in yaml. I have that custom card configured via an extra !include, on an !included View_weather.yaml. All changes I make in that config are immediately taken into effect, sometimes need a manual refresh alright, but no restart necessary. And it is a heavy card.
Same goes for my included Tiles cards, that are in the view via an extra include, like this:
I realize that “not always” was an understatement. What I meant was “virtually never”.
I really don’t have that many views with complicated config, so I don’t see why this should be a problem. If I were to check for possible conflicts as you mention, where would I start? What possible conflicts could there be that are not reported in the log?
No, that’s what I do too.
Using includes is nothing special really. It simply replaces the !include with what you declare it to do. Has nothing to do with internet connection.
I have to make a change in the ui-lovelace file and save to make the changes in the includes come across. Usually just make an extra row below everything and next time I take the same row away again.
most of the time, yes. Doesn’t always though, especially when reloading configs for some custom-cards. dark_sky is among those. To be really sure it refreshes, I always need to click Develop: clear cache in the browser menu, and hit reload.
Hey, so this is a long shot, but I reuse the same entities or horizonal stacks within different vertical stacks, is it possible to do something like use the include feature within a vertical or horizontal stack? I’ve tried it a few ways with no luck, so I’m assuming not, but thought I’d check
suppose to should be possible, !include is simple replaced with what you tell it to replace, in the place you put the !include.
Have cards, tiles, images, resources included in my setup.
why don’t you show what you try to do and we can see how we can help? Or !conclude it isn’t possible after all…
So for example, I use this in a custom:popup-card, along with 2 of my views to track which lock codes are active on my Z-Wave Lock. They’re all in different vertical-stacks.