Lovelace - Is it possible to expand a card horizontally?

I have a number of calendar countdown events that text wrap.
Instead I would like to expand the card to look better.
I would be ok with eliminating the sensor name and just showing the state.
Is this something I can do with Lovelace? Can someone direct me to the proper card?

Using Lovelace the screen renders like this:
" 2/14/2019 - Valentine’s Day"
“Next Ho… in 20 days”

Prior to Lovelace it rendered as:
Next Holiday 2/14/2019 -
Valentine’s Day in 20

Next Holiday 2/14/2019 - Valentine’s Day in 20 days
2/14/2019 - Valentine’s Day in 20 days

Do I need a custom card to make this happen. Anyone with Lovelace experience that can make a suggestion. Basically I’m looking for a text list card

As a suggestion to try, If you are OK with putting your calendar in a view by itself, do that and set the panel: true. This will make a card as wide as possible.

Thanks for your thoughts, not exactly what I’m after