Lovelace: List of (binary) sensors & switches, grouped by zwave-node

Anyone who managed to have a dynamic list that shows all entities that have been created per zwave node?

Until now, I didthis manually of course, specifying each node and using the custom component auto-entities (example for 2 nodes below + the result on the dashboard), but I need to specify the different zwave node_id’s. And every time I add or remove a node, I have to update my Lovelace.

Anyone who managed to do this ?

      - card:
          show_header_toggle: false
          show_icon: true
          title: Bathroom Multi
          type: entities
            - attributes:
                node_id: 13
        type: 'custom:auto-entities'
      - card:
          show_header_toggle: false
          show_icon: true
          title: Bedroom Multi
          type: entities
            - attributes:
                node_id: 35
        type: 'custom:auto-entities'