Lovelace: Make Currently Installed Custom Cards Available in the UI

For example, if a user has installed X Custom Card, this card would show up and be available in the "Which card would you like to add to your view?

If this cannot be achieved easily, I would like to see the “Manual” card option at the top of the UI - vice buried at the bottom - since many (all?) HA users are tinkerers, we use this option A LOT!

Having a visual editor for a custom card requires the developer of the card to support it. Some do, but not all.

I’m not looking for a visual editor for custom cards, though that would be awesome.

Simply the ability to choose (installed) custom card from the card “menu” and, upon selection, have it populate the card name into the YAML editor - so users don’t have to remember the exact name to complete the first line of the YAML (type: 'custom:XXXXX' ).

My memory isn’t great - and half the time I have to go all the way back to the git repo to copy the card type name to paste into a new card. It would also have the added benefit of allowing users to see ALL available cards at their disposal - rather than having to go back to HACs or custom-UI as a reference.

Does that make any sense, or am I crazy? :slight_smile:

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