Lovelace Media Art Background

This plugin really lacks some installation instruction. Has anybody got this working??

Lovelace Media Art Background

What isn’t working?

The example is lacking luster but I think I could help.

Nevermind, I got it working… Did not know that I would need to change the “- media_player.main” to “- media_player.spotify” but I figured it out… :slight_smile:

  - url: /community_plugin/lovelace-media-art-background/media-art-background.js
    type: module
  blur: 10px
  opacity: 0.5
  transition_opacity: 2s
    - media_player.main
    - entity: media_player.secondary
      valid_states: ['playing']
      image_attribute: 'entity_picture'

I can’t get this to work. Not sure it still works with all the recent upgrades in the system. Using Heos and media_player.stereo is the Entity for Heos.

  blur: 10px
    - media_player.stereo
    - entity: media_player.stereo
      image_attribute: entity_picture
        - playing
  opacity: 0.5
  transition_opacity: 2s

I’m getting this in the logs

Tried to serve up ‘/config/www/community/lovelace-media-art-background/media-art-background.js:59:14 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘style’ of null’ but it does not exist

Anyone willing to help?

It likely no longer works. That’s a JS error and is only fixable with an update to the card.

Too bad, would liked to have had it work.