Lovelace media player horziontal stack messed up

  - entity: media_player.volumio
    type: media-control
  - entity: media_player.chromecast
    type: media-control
type: horizontal-stack

results in this:

What am I doing wrong? It is a simple horizontal stack of 2 cards…

- type: horizontal-stack
    - entity: media_player.volumio
      type: media-control
    - entity: media_player.chromecast
      type: media-control

you seem to have it backwards

Did you even read bro?

This doesn’t matter, in fact that’s the way the GUI editor formats it for you. :wink: So nothing wrong there. I got similar result with thermostat cards cutting off symbols in a stack.

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pretty sure it does

This is how the GUI editor reformats the settings, my whole config is formatted like this. No problems so far, custom cards etc. apart from some cards getting too small for a horizontal stack.

Here’s one of my working ones:

  - type: horizontal-stack
      - type: gauge
        name: CPU Temperature
        unit: °C
        entity: sensor.cpu_temperature
          green: 0
          yellow: 50
          red: 60
      - type: gauge
        name: Disk Usage
        unit: '%'
        entity: sensor.disk_use_percent