Lovelace: mini graph card with 3 entities


i have this mini graph card.
It has 3 entities

  1. Energy Consumption (sensor.daily_energy)
  2. Another Energy Consumption (sensor.daily_solar_energy)
  3. Total of them two before (sensor.daily_energy_total)

The Problem now, why are the bars so strange?
I mean, Red must be the highest cause its the total.
The other to consumptions must be like 70% and 30% or something…

But for some reason as you can see, the yellow bar (1. Consumption) is same height as the red, which is the total and cannot be the same high.

So what i can i do?
The Red must be the total of yellow and green bar.

type: custom:mini-graph-card
name: Stromverbrauch heute
update_interval: 10
more_info: false
height: 120
group_by: hour
group: false
hour24: true
points_per_hour: 1
animate: true
decimals: 4
bar_spacing: 1
align_state: center
logarithmic: true
  name: true
  icon: true
  state: true
  graph: bar
  fill: true
  points: false
  legend: true
  extrema: false
  labels: false
  name_adaptive_color: true
  icon_adaptive_color: true
  - entity: sensor.daily_energy
    name: Strombezug
    color: '#fbbc05'
    show_state: true
  - entity: sensor.daily_solar_energy
    name: Einspeisung
    color: '#34a853'
    show_state: false
  - entity: sensor.daily_energy_total
    name: Gesamt
    color: '#ea4335'
    show_state: true