Getting this issue too Two of my sensors (in the bottom of the picture) that are Xiaomi Bluetooth ones sometimes presents a graph for a few seconds, but on refresh it’s just gone. No problems with my zigbee ones, the only difference i can come to think of between them is that the bluetooth ones are reporting temperature a bit sporadicly, sometimes every 5-10 minutes, sometimes it could be 40 minutes, but i still get a native graph in the UI and the latest temperature is always displayed. Running 0.79.2 with the latest Mini graph card on a RPI 3. The only error in the log is this:
The log is empty,
and i am Running 0.79.1 at the moment
Strange is, that i thought, in one graph i saw shortly a red line, but it was gone after refresh!
The second strange thing is, that the data comes from one single entity, a Tasmota POW !
A fault from my side?
I had the same issue first time and it was because the recorder component didn’t have the domain added so there was no tracking of the information. Once I added it (and wait a little) I started to see the chart.
No, unfortunately since the design is somewhat responsive, setting a fixed height is not possible, although you can however manipulate the height in some manner with the height option.
I Tried it out and i totally like it! Really good job on that.
Just got one question. If i have set a small height for the card. Most of the height is taken by the margin of the Text while the graph could be a bit bigger (at least for me see picture ) I already tried a bit to change the css, but iam no expert. Could you give me a hint?
Btw. does someone know if its possible to combine cards in a vertical way into one card? So i dont have borders for every card? For example i would like to have 3 of your graph cards vertical stacked with just 1 single border, so they look as 1 single card. Iam new to lovelace
Wanted to give you short feedback. At least for some of my sensors (mainly temperature where i dont have much changes) The space is not so good used. See
This is a temperature graph. My values are in the range of 22.0-23.0
const min = Math.floor(Math.min.apply(null, values) * 0.95);
const max = Math.ceil(Math.max.apply(null, values) * 1.05);
Will set the scaling to 20.0 - 25.0 for me. Which is the reason for the “waste” of space. I changed it to fit my needs. Just wanted to share, if you maybe want to add a fixed Ymin Ymax scaling or something
Yeah, that’s interesting. I did actually change the scaling to 0.95/1.05 in v0.0.3. This obviously doesn’t work well in all cases but for the majority I think this is a good middle ground for now.
But some space is still wasted when the line doesn’t take up the available height of the svg element.
The reason why I included the min/max scaling was to be able to tell approximately how big the change in the graph is.
This is what a 1% change looks like with the scaling: