Lovelace: mini graph card

Thank you very much for your answer! I have tried hard refresh and clear cache but the problem remains, the triangle is there. I have gone back to the old version (not sure what version numer or where I can check) to get rid of the triangle. I would of course like to use the newer version if it was possible.

Cannot say anything about your config (not a doctor to treat a patient looking at his photo), but in some other cards this “triangle” icon usually used for unknown entities.

Oh I must look that I didnt spell the entity wrong, but it did work with the old version. Thank you. I’ll check.

Sometimes entities’ names are changing in new HA versions.

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Just started with this, so probably a stupid question…

Is it possible to display the value in each bar ?

type: custom:mini-graph-card
  - entity: input_number.number_aantal_motion_sensor_voordeur
    name: Motions on frontdoor
hours_to_show: 168
aggregate_func: max
group_by: date
  name: Numbre of motions on frontdoor
  icon: mdi:access-point-minus
  graph: bar
  state: false
  labels: true
  points: true

I thought “points: true” would do that…

Unless someone implements this functionality.

How do I do in order to show a bar for each month? I want the monthly averange electrical price.

Hi folks,
I have a mini graph card inside a custom button card. As I am using templating passing “variables” to the template button card for different sensors, how can I pass to the inside mini graph card the entities as a parameter ? (e.g. instead entities: - sensor.xxx1 , I need something like entities: > [[[ variable1 ]]], where variable1 is already inside the button template)
Any hints if that is possible?
Thanks for your help


I would really like to have the ability to display values for the x and y axis, is there anyway to accomplish that?

  type: custom:button-card
  entity: sensor.processor_use
    NAME: xxx
        type: custom:mini-graph-card
          - entity: '[[[return entity.entity_id]]]'
            name: '[[[return variables.NAME]]]'


There is no support for this in an official implementation.
You may only show max/min labels for the Y-axis.
For X-axis there is only a non-elegant & unstable hack like this:

After many hours, it’s time to admit defeat and ask for help: Is it possible to get the states to display on the same line? In this example I would like the temperature for backdoor on the left, Jenni Bedroom in the centre, and Kitchen on the right. But no matter what I try I end up with the two temperatures stacked vertically on the right.

mini graph

Choose any of three variants.

Hi all. I have to ask here, because I can’t figure it out…

I have a temperature sensor that is acurate to 0.1 degrees. However, I don’t need that accuracy and only want to show a graph of the temperature rounded to the nearest degree. The rounding itself seems to work fine by using the decimals: 0 part. But the graph does not reflect that. As you can see, it’s showing many tiny increments in temperature:

This probably comes directly from the source data:

So how can I set increments for the Y-axis so that it only shows whole degrees (20, 21, 22,…) and not decimals?

The decimal option only affects the state displayed. You didn’t share your config, but it looks like you’ve deliberately turned smoothing off. I think your best bet is a combination of turning smoothing on and setting y-axis limits to make the “artifacts” less apparent. Otherwise, create a second template sensor where you’ve applied the rounding and display that.

Seems that this option is omitted and hence is =true (default value).
The sensor changes very rarely, hours_to_show=24h, points_per_hour=30 - this looks like the graph is with “smooth=false”, but it could look same with “smooth=true”.

BTW, I always set “aggregate_func=last”, “smoothiing=false”, “points_per_hour=as many as applicable” - to reduce an affect of approximation.

Is it possible to use fixed_value to create a height bar per sensor? like this?

this is what i get

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - entity: sensor.current_l1_tibber
        fixed_value: true
        show state: true
    name: L1
      icon: false
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - entity: sensor.current_l2_tibber
        fixed_value: true
        show state: true
    name: L2
      icon: false
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - entity: sensor.current_l3_tibber
        fixed_value: true
        show state: true
    name: L3
      icon: false

"fixed_value"is used to display one CONSTANT value (flatline).
It has nothing about a height.
What you probably need is:

lower_bound: 0


However, i kinda want that flatline showing only current value out of a max of 50.

The reference i posted is showing not a graph, but only a current state, which for my case would be nice.

How do i do that? Is it possible?

Not clear what you need, elaborate.