Lovelace: mini graph card

Missed “entity” - check my fix above.

That worked perfectly, thanks for your help :+1:

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Try using a hex color instead and set the hour points to 1? Mine looks like this

  type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
    - sensor.average_humidity
    - value: 30
      color: '#D35467'
    - value: 50
      color: '#68C9F0'
    - value: 60
      color: '#4D6DDC'
  hours_to_show: 96
  points_per_hour: 1
  line_width: 7
    name: false
    icon: false
    state: false
    label: false
    legend: false
    points: false
    fill: fade
    extrema: true
    average: true


Thanks! How do you get the icons and additional information to be displayed that way?

I use in custom: button-card, you can see in my config how I did it

Do you mind sharing full codes entire card? thank you

This should be shared.
Generating “color_thresholds”:


With the latest HA update you get long term statistics, is that going to be added to mini graph card or is something that is already available?

What do you mean?
LTS was available in Statistics graph since adding LTS to HA.
This release LTS was just added to History view (not to History-graph card), nothing else has been changed - why this may be a reason to show LTS in mini-graph-card?

I think the question is more like this: The built-in cards (only the history stats card) have has been updated to combine data from two sources (the regular recorder history, plus LTS if it exists). Does this card need a similar change, or will an entity that has LTS have it’s LTS automatically displayed if the period reaches that point or goes beyond the recorder history?

I haven’t upgraded to test, but my guess would be it will need to be updated if the card needs to do this.

The other option is of course if they made this change at an API level to automatically do this, then of course no change will be needed.

But this is not what happened.
History-graph card still shows only History data.
Only History view can now show LTS in addition to History.

But looking at

there is probability that History-graph card could be updated as well.

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So you can’t put a years worth of data in custom mini graph card.

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Very new to mini graph card - have the following card setup - I would like to show a sum for the week in the top left corner - but can’t quite work out how to do this. Currently shows the value for today - would like to show a sum of values for the last week.

type: custom:mini-graph-card

  • entity: sensor.solisdirect_power_generation_today
    color: green
    show_state: false
    name: Power Generation
    name: Solar Power
    hours_to_show: 168
    group_by: date
    name: true
    legend: true
    icon: false
    labels: true
    graph: bar


I am new to mini-graph, and I couldn’t find any answers.
I am trying to setup color_thresholds, but the mode “color_thresholds_transition: smooth” doesn’t do anything.

when moving to “hard” I see the colors applied.

here is some screen grabs of what I can see;

Thanks for your help

but when I mouse over, I can see the colors correctly applied.

sry, I had to make 2 post, for the media limit.

Where? Post a screenshot.
Also, post a code.

  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      - sensor.0x00158d0006a03511_temperature
      state: false
      name: false
      icon: false
      fill: fade
    line_width: 2
    color_thresholds_transition: smooth 
      - value: 0
        color: '#3154AC'
      - value: 16
        color: '#6AACD9'
      - value: 18
        color: '#75D89A'
      - value: 20
        color: '#35B840'
      - value: 22
        color: '#FF6600'
      - value: 26
        color: '#FF0000'
      - value: 30
        color: '#FF69B4'
    points_per_hour: 1
    hours_to_show: 48

when I set “color_thresholds_transition: hard” I have the 2 colors, but I can’t get the smooth transition.

Set a min (lower_bound) and max (upped_bound) for the y-axis.

At least min.

True, although I’ve had a case where it just didn’t want to work without a max too. :slight_smile: