Lovelace: mini graph card

I’m not getting any!

I cleared it and then clicked around the tabs with graphs doing refreshes as I went and there are no errors in my log after using the REFRESH button.

I reinstated everything else on my test view with the graph card and it is trying to display something because I have this small gap…

Hey, thanks but I meant the browser dev console, would be great if you could check that as well.

Ah, yes, sorry. :blush:

Thank you,
I think something went wrong when deploying the last release, seems to have published a dev build. Re-downloading the file should fix this, you might need to clear cache as well.

Anyway, there’s now also a new release which should fix various issues related to color_thresholds, v0.4.2.

Let me know if that solves the issue.

Yes it did. Thanks!

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Getting this odd issue, the dots get colored correctly but the line is going blue which is for a lower threshold.


  fill: fade
  - color: blue
    value: 50
  - color: aqua
    value: 60
  - color: green
    value: 70
  - color: yellow
    value: 80
  - color: orange
    value: 85
  - color: red
    value: 90
type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - sensor.multisensor_feather_5_1
  - color: indigo
    entity: sensor.multisensor_feather_5_0
    show_state: true

Also this in the console in chrome:

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to set the 'mcg-history' property on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'mcg-history' exceeded the quota.
    at HTMLElement.updateEntity (
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at async HTMLElement.updateData (

This should most likely fix the invalid color of the line. But you’ll have to wait for the next release, unless you build it from source yourself.

Will have to look into the other issue, most likely not related to each oter.
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Stupid question… when did severity get replaced with color_threshold?

It has actually never been called severity.

Wow! So I wonder why it’s always worked?

Hmm idk, it couldn’t ever have possibly worked, I’ve never referenced severity in the code.
You sure you’re not confusing it with another card?

Severity is the bar-card :wink:

Actually it might be the gauge card… I was looking on my iPad. I just noticed it wasn’t displaying correctly anymore. I’ll be on my PC soon and I’ll check it out then. Thanks for the replies.

Here is my config:

          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            hours_to_show: 24
            points_per_hour: 2
              - sensor.speedtest_download
              labels: true
              - value: 0
                color: red
              - value: 30
                color: orange
              - value: 40
                color: green
          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
            hours_to_show: 24
            points_per_hour: 2
              - sensor.speedtest_upload
              labels: true
              - value: 0
                color: red
              - value: 9
                color: orange
              - value: 13
                color: green

and here is how it displays:

So I am not seeing the different colours as the speed changes like in this example from github:

Mine is just the one colour and I don’t understand why.

Also, why do I see a solid yellow line for the upload but nothing for the download?

I’m seeing the same


accuracy: 5
align_icon: left
  - color: '#ff9966'
    value: 200
  - color: '#ff6600'
    value: 400
  - color: '#c0392b'
    value: 600
  - entity: sensor.deluge_down_speed
    show_state: true
  - entity: sensor.deluge_up_speed
    show_state: true
hours_to_show: 12
icon: 'mdi:cloud-download-outline'
name: Deluge past 12 hours
points_per_hour: 1
  points: false
type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'

Yes, there’re still some issues with the color thresholds.
There’re a few issues open over at github regarding this if you want to discuss it further, but I’m aware of the issues and will try to fix them as soon as possiblr, pretty busy right now though.

It was just a recent release that broke this… I’ll check the github.

Hi all

from last update I’m getting some strange behavior.

some cards are empty and some not.

This is the code that was working fine until last update

      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
        name: Temp Shelly 2.5
        align_state: center
        hours_to_show: 240
        points_per_hour: 0.2
        icon: mdi:thermometer
          extrema: true
          labels: true
          points: true
          - entity: sensor.temp_shelly_2_5_finestra_sala
            name: Finestra Sala
            color: green

      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
        name: Consumo attuale
        icon: mdi:flash
          extrema: true
          labels: true
          points: true
          state: true
        hours_to_show: 72
        points_per_hour: 0.25
          - sensor.owl_attuale

      - type: custom:mini-graph-card
        name: Consumo giornaliero
        icon: mdi:flash
          graph: bar
          state: true
        hours_to_show: 720
        points_per_hour: 0.25
          - sensor.energy_daily_kwh

I haven’t noticed any breaking changes (my fault?).

I’ve already cleared cache…

Any suggestion?


I too am getting the same thing happening with my setup. Some cards shows graph some don’t. What’s more confusing is on my desktop some will show (cleared cache) but on the HA iOS app some will show but not all the same ones as desktop.

@john500y2k I didn’t noticed this, but yes, same here, on Mac browser I don’t see some, on the Android phone (always Chrome) I don’t see some others.