Lovelace: mini graph card

Seeing the missing graphs too, for me shortening the history time seems to fix it. All my data should have 14 days of history available, but some I can only set to 24 hours, some up to 96 hours, and others will let me go beyond 14 days fine.

Thanks, not a hurry and very grateful for the card!

Just want to point out that I have a card that doesn’t display the line as well. It’s about 1/5 that have this issue.

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I reverted back to 0.3.3, passing from 0.4.0, and now it’s working like it was before.

So there is something change from 0.4.0 that is causing my issue, so maybe something related to the cache or fetching features added from that version.

Hello everyone,

Decided to do a pre-release this time to make sure everything is functioning correctly.
Should (hopefully) fix the issues people have been discussing here recently, invisible lines, invalid colors etc.

You’ll have to manually download this pre-release, it won’t show up in custom_updater (because pre-release).
Would appreciate feedback from people who had issues with recent versions.

EDIT: Don’t forget to clear cache to make sure the latest version is loaded.



  • Empty graph when color thresholds wasn’t being used (#92)

  • Invisible graph lines when color thresholds where out of bounds (#91, #92)

  • Invalid rendering of color thresholds when lower bound wasn’t at zero (#91, #92)

Thanks! This seems to have fixed my issues.

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Happy to hear that!

Mine does not show the Min and Max like everyone else. What did I miss?


align_state: center
  - color: green
    entity: sensor.speedtest_download
    name: Download
  - color: red
    entity: sensor.speedtest_upload
    name: Upload
  - color: yellow
    entity: sensor.speedtest_ping
    name: Ping
extrema: true
icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
labels: true
name: Speedtest
points: true
show: null
type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'

This version hasn’t fixed it for me, but mine may be a different issue with similar symptoms?

If I set my ‘Server Usage’ to show 48 hours, it does the below with the errors in console, if I set it to 24 hours it’s happy.

Needs to be in the show: section.

          extrema: true
          labels: true

Okay, yeah that’s definitely a different issue, related to the new caching.
Will have to look into that, do you have many mini-graph-cards in your setup?

Thanks that fixed it :slight_smile:

Thanks - yeah I have a few, but nothing crazy, on the view with the issue most prominent I have 3 cards displaying 12 entities.

I probably have another 3-4 cards on another view too (amongst some conditional cards).

You can share the code or a link to the github

No fix for me also.

Still some (same) cards without lines, and I’ve got a new one with missing lines.

I’m getting same error message in the browser as @mynameisdaniel showed.

That looks very nice!
Would you mind share the code?

Here’s some progress regarding the caching issue


Running 93.2 and noticed that my colored lines no longer show up as they previously did. I have colors for different degrees and it’s been great until the last 2 updates. I’m not sure if it’s related but that’s the only thing I can think of.

It shows the proper colors when I mouse over it but not when it just loads normally

Mousing over:

I tried updating to the newest version (93.2) since it was available just for kicks but no change.

Is there something causing for it not to load properly on my end that I can clear out and also do in the future so this doesn’t happen?

It feels like it’s browser cache but I’ve cleared that and no luck.


Try the latest beta v0.4.3-beta release, should fix many of the issues with the new threshold implementation, there’s some additional fixes & improvements in the dev branch, but they aren’t available in any release yet.

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That did the trick!

Back to seeing pretty colors on the graph again. :smiley:

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