Lovelace: mini graph card

Yes, this :arrow_down:


Thanks! it was a bad DB file - deleted and restated all back to normal.

Hi, I am new to Home assistant and still trying to wrap my head around it, but mini graph card fascinated me so much, i need it to work from day 0. I have tried to install it using HACS (version 1.1.1). It added itself to lovelace resources as /hacsfiles/mini-graph-card/mini-graph-card-bundle.js
Copied files mini-graph-card-bundle.js (and .gz) to /config/www/community/mini-graph-card but when i try to create entity i got error:

I read a lot about hacsfiles directory, and I am confused that I haven’t got it. I tried to create it (as in resources) and copy files into it, but it didn’t work (also after restarting HA).

Thank you for great work. Looking forward to get it done.

Remove the ‘-’ character before the ‘type’, something like this:

type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - entity: sensor.disk_use_percent_home
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OMG, this easy? Thank you!
Then why the exapmles uses dash?

That is how they would be used if using YAML mode and not the UI.


try this -

type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - sensor.temperature

(eg remove the indentation and - )

Ahh - that will teach me to be interrupted as I’m about to press send…


Will there be a new release this summer?

Is it possible to specify the decimal count per entity?
I’m displaying three entities in my card but the decimal count should vary. So far I only found the setting to specify decimals per card?

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It’s winter here in Australia :wink:


And there it was, the 0.9.4 version with soft bounds :slight_smile: Thanks :+1:

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Just to verify, there is no way to plot data from an attribute without first turning that data into an entity state using a sensor template, etc? I have historical (not todays usage, but past) data provided by my power company as a sensor attribute:

- usage: 61
  cost: 5.91
  date: '20200701'
  max_temperature: 92
- usage: 61
  cost: 5.91
  date: '20200702'
  max_temperature: 94
- usage: 57
  cost: 5.54
  date: '20200703'
  max_temperature: 90

Id love to be able to plot this data. Is there any way to feed the card exactly what data we want to graph versus having it simply use historical entity state values?

No, you would have to create a template sensor and feed that entity to the card, the utility_meter integration could possibly be useful as well…

Pardon my ignorance… what are soft bounds? I found no explanation in documentation…

upper_bound_secondary number or string v0.5.0 Set a fixed upper bound for the graph secondary Y-axis. String value starting with ~ (e.g. ~50 ) specifies soft bound.

The y-axis is normally set to the values of lower and upper bounds, but if the graph value is lower than the lower bound or higher than the upper bound, the y-axis is expanded.


Alrealy like that ! :+1:

Hi there,
I’m trying to use mini-graph with a climate entity from Honywell but it can’t display any values.
If i take the same entity with a history-graph it works as seen bellow :
the yaml file is the following :

          - type: custom:mini-graph-card
              - climate.rez_salon
            name: LIVING ROOM
            hours_to_show: 48
            points_per_hour: 0.25
          - type: history-graph
              - climate.rez_salon
            name: LIVING ROOM

What am I doing wrong ?

This card doesn’t support climate entities out of the box, you’d need to create a template sensor from the temperature attribute and use that template sensor in the card.

Thx, I’ve just learned how to create template (not so hard), and now it’s working. Just have to wait I think a little bit to collect historical data

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Looks awesome, could you confirm how you achieved your waste pickup countdowns? Sorry if thats a noob question very new to home assistant. thanks