Lovelace: mini graph card

My mini graph doesn’t show any lines
This is my config:

type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  - sensor.temperature_2

How it looks on the dashboard

EDIT: freshly installed via HACS

Does it happen to other sensors?

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yeah. It shows the correct value but no lines.
I just installed the mini media player and this one works fine

As far as I understood, the graph is not displayed for ANY sensor, right?
Then try to show a graph with stock history-graph card - check if the history is shown.
Or just go to the History window, select the last 24 hrs and check if the sensor’s history is shown.

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I dont have a history window
Maybe this is the solution
I will at history: at my config

Now it works.
I just had to add history: at my config.yaml

It AWESOME ! I really like the idea of new card and having all of these additional options that this library brings. I heavily use mini-graph-card in my config and love it, but I would gladily spend my time to rewrite my code to get these new options!
@RomRider One provocative question; I took a look at the ApexCharts library and it seems to have tons of various charts that we are all probably missing from HA… I do :slight_smile: Personally I’d find instant good use (on top of line or area) at least for column, bar, mixed, timeline, pie, radialbar, polar… Is there any, even remote chance that one day, once you master the library, we might get some more broad selection of charts?

Probably yes for most of them, but not initially as the data format is a bit different from time series :slight_smile:
Initially you’ll have area, bar, lines or a mix of all of them at the same time + stacking of bar/lines/areas.

I want to release a working MVP and gather feedback first :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi, do you have an example how to use mini-graph-card with auto-entities? I need to use entity_id variable in auto-entities for the filter to auto populate the cards. However mini-graph-card then says that entity option is removed and I should use the entities list option. But I don’t see how I can use that with auto-entities.

Any advice?

Edit: found it for anyone else interested: 🔹 Auto-entities - Automatically fill cards with entities

type: 'custom:auto-entities'
  type: 'custom:mini-graph-card'
  name: ' '
  hours_to_show: 12
  line_width: 1
    name: false
    state: false
    icon: false
    labels: true
unique: true
show_empty: true
    - entity_id: sensor.battery*
        entity: this.entity_id
        show_fill: false
        method: name
        reverse: false
        ignore_case: false
        attribute: null
        first: 0
        count: 100
        numeric: false


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Over there for the new card based on ApexCharts. Be indulgent, it’s in its early days :slight_smile:


I’ll try my best to keep mini-graph-card alive too with @kalkih :slight_smile:


How do I get the two lines to use the same Y-axis?

Below I have the garage temp (around 0 degrees) and the outdoor temp (around -4 degrees). They look to be the same temperature looking at the graph because the first y-axis is between 0.1-0.4 and the second y-axis is between -11.1 - -3.6). Ideally both y-axis should be between -11 and 0.4). Basically taking the lowset from both axis and the highest from both axis.

Can this be done to have the representation more accurate? Reason is that I would like to see how the garage temperature follows the outdoor temperature.

Just don’t use the secondary axis?

Ahhh, now you made feel stupid… which I apparently am :smiley: Don’t know what I was thinking, thanks a lot!

Btw, amazing new graph card you have started working on!

There’s no stupid question, only stupid answers :wink:


Thank you for the amazing work!

Just wanted to ask if there is a way to reduce the font size of the time value shown in the cards @RomRider ?

Like the one in the example below:

Thanks a lot!

Hello there,
Does anybody knows how to change the line color of the graph using card_mod ?
I’ve searched for the corresponding label here with no success.
I have theme switch depending on the sun and i would like the colors to match.
Thanks for your help !

Why not set the color to be a css variable (var(--color-variable)) in mini-graph-card?

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Thanks @RomRider i didn’t think about it. But do you mean that i should add the colors on my two themes ?

Yes, or use the existing ones from your theme

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