Lovelace: Mini Media Player

Great, thanks for an awesome card, with 12 zones of AirPlay, I couldn’t live without it!

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Is it possible to hide a card on lovelace if it’s already included in a group? I would like to show the card if it’s ungrouped, and hide it if it’s grouped. At the moment I have 4 devices, which all have a card on my frontend. If I group them all, I still see 4 cards with all of them playing the same thing. I would like to only view 1 card if all are grouped. If none are grouped, I want to see 4 cards again…

Is that possible in a way?

I’m absolutely digging this media player! Right now i’m playing with the style of the card. And alltho i’m pretty happy with it, i hope someone is able to tell me how i can style the grey buttons as you can see in the screenshot below. I’d like to give them the same opacity as the rest of the card. I think i only need to know which variables these are. Thanks!Knipsel

Interesting idea, would be practical.
The conditional card does only support conditions based on states unfortunately.

I don’t own any Sonos myself so I’ve not been able test if the code below actually works but I think it should. In the example we got two sonos speakers with entity ids media_player.sonos_1 & media_player.sonos_2.

First we need to set up a binary sensor for each sonos speaker which we’ll later use in our conditional cards. The binary sensor should flip to on if our condition is fulfilled, the condition being:

  • The entity isn’t the master speaker (the master is the first entry in the sonos_group attribute)


  • The entity is in a group (sonos_group includes more than 1 entity)
  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('media_player.sonos_1', 'sonos_group')[0] | string != 'media_player.sonos_1'
            and state_attr('media_player.sonos_1', 'sonos_group') | length > 1 }}
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('media_player.sonos_2', 'sonos_group')[0] | string != 'media_player.sonos_2'
            and state_attr('media_player.sonos_2', 'sonos_group') | length > 1 }}

Then we have the actual lovelace setup, one conditional card for each Sonos, here we use the binary sensors we created earlier.

- type: conditional
    - entity: binary_sensor.sonos_1_grouped_not_master
      state_not: 'on'
    - type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.sonos_1
- type: conditional
    - entity: binary_sensor.sonos_2_grouped_not_master
      state_not: 'on'
    - type: custom:mini-media-player
      entity: media_player.sonos_2

Change the entity names and repeat for each Sonos speaker you got.

I don’t remember the variables used but I’ll look into it when I get home and get back to you.


hey @kalkih, thanks a lot for your help! It works great, except that there seems to be something wrong with the template of the binary sensors:

  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('media_player.sonos_1', 'sonos_group')[0] | string != 'media_player.sonos_1'
            and state_attr('media_player.sonos_1', 'sonos_group') | length > 1 }}
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('media_player.sonos_2', 'sonos_group')[0] | string != 'media_player.sonos_2'
            and state_attr('media_player.sonos_2', 'sonos_group') | length > 1 }}

It changes to ‘on’ when I group them, but doesn’t switch back to ‘off’ when I ungroup them… Any idea on how to solve this?

Thanks a lot for your help! Really appreciate it!

I see there’s an option where you can specify entity id´s which the sensor should react to, if automatic updates doesn’t work.
See entity_id, but I’m not sure if it reacts to attribute changes, but might be worth a try!

So the config would be something like this.

  - platform: template
          - media_player.sonos_1
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('media_player.sonos_1', 'sonos_group')[0] | string != 'media_player.sonos_1'
            and state_attr('media_player.sonos_1', 'sonos_group') | length > 1 }}
          - media_player.sonos_2
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('media_player.sonos_2', 'sonos_group')[0] | string != 'media_player.sonos_2'
            and state_attr('media_player.sonos_2', 'sonos_group') | length > 1 }}

Edit: after reading this I’m pretty sure adding the above should solve it!

No, didn’t work either.

However, I’ve found that this works for me:

          - media_player.living_room
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('media_player.living_room', 'groupName') | length > 1 }}

Really don’t know why your code is not working… (maybe because I don’t have Sonos, but Heos?)


Oh sorry, yes that’s probably it then haha, I took for granted you were using Sonos so the attributes and the way they function are probably different for you with HEOS.
Glad you got it working!

So HEOS exposes an attribute called groupName? Is that the only group rrelated attribute exposed?

I guess @Cadish is still running the custom_component for HEOS with grouping, am I right? That may be why something is different?? To my knowledge there is no official support for grouping in the HEOS integration, but it seems to be working quite well with the custom integration here

I’m going to try the same as Cadish did for hiding grouped ones, think it sounds like a nice idea!

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Yes correct I’m using your custom component for it… If you need help in testing, let me know. Anyway, my code as above works now, so I’m happy!

Thanks a lot!

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That’s great! The HEOS “hack” currently populates the group attribute like this:

heos_group: media_player.heos5_office,media_player.heos1_kitchen

Is the Sonos doing it differently? Should it be inside [] as an array or something to working similarly as the Sonos? Or could it be a space missing after the comma? Guess it would be wise for the HEOS-integration to do it similar to Sonos since it seems to be more commonly integrated with other stuff.

Nice, it’s possible that it’s an array, just displayed as a comma separated in the dev-state view if it’s there you’re looking.

If it’s in fact an array, then that’s how the Sonos component does it, additionally Sonos has the master speaker listed as the first entry in that list. Idk if HEOS works the same where you have a master/slaves.

Is there support for group management service calls in that custom component as well?

Yes, you’re right. It is an array already, I was fooled by the presentation in the dev-state view. Heos also has a master, and it is also listed as the first one in the array. So it should be the same then. Service calls are also implemented. I’ll test a bit with the suggestions above, then let’s see :slight_smile:

Would you mind testing this cards built-in group management if you haven’t already. If the implementation is the same as Sonos it should work, make sure to specify the platform as heos.

- type: custom:mini-media-player
  entity: media_player.heos_office
    platform: heos
    show_group_count: true
      - entity_id: media_player.heos_office
        name: Office
      - entity_id: media_player.heos_livingroom
        name: Livingroom
      - entity_id: media_player.heos_kitchen
        name: Kitchen
      - entity_id: media_player.heos_bathroom
        name: Bathroom
      - entity_id: media_player.heos_bedroom
        name: Bedroom

It’s working perfectly, or rather the other way around, it was designed to work with the card :wink: Although I think I just found some kind of bug in my code this evening with the “leave” button, but it’s not a big thing. Will look into it tho…

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Nice, did you code the custom component? Mind linking it?

Edit: nvm I saw your link above and the other thread, nice work! :+1:

@heartkingz, The color is currently hard coded as rgba(255,255,255,0.25) unfortunately.

But I will change it to a variable in the next release.


Thank you! That would be great.

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Yeah, well, I did the grouping thing, but it’s all thanks to @andrewsayre’s great work on both Pyheos as well as the home assistant integration of HEOS. Without the working features of the Pyheos, I would be completely lost, but I managed to hack together something that seems to be working well. Hopefully, someone with better skills than me will be able to implement the group support to the official integration.

For anyone who has an interest:

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Could someone kindly point this humble noob in the right direction?

So I got my '‘custom:mini-media-player’ to work. umm, after fumbling around with it for 4 hours. Mostly my issue was I feel that I could have shortened the code but EVERY rendition I tried would not work. So I gave up on my dreams making the code shorter. Anyways…

My actual question if possible could someone please show me a way to HIDE a ‘media-player’ device if it is not currently playing/powered on??

type: entities
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    name: Whole House Audio Group
    icon: null
    entity: media_player.group_whole_house_audio
    group: true
    controls: play_pause
    hide: null
    artwork: cover
      platform: google_translate
    info: scroll
    source: icon
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    name: Inside House Audio Group
    icon: null
    entity: media_player.group_inside_house_audio
    group: true
    controls: play_pause
      power_state: false
    artwork: cover
      platform: google_translate
    info: scroll
    source: icon
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    entity: media_player.kitchen_display
    name: null
    icon: 'mdi:monitor-speaker'
    artwork: none
    group: true
    show_group_count: false
      controls: true
      power: true
      info: true
      progress: true
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    entity: media_player.g3_living_room_speaker
    name: null
    icon: 'mdi:cast-audio'
    artwork: none
    group: true
    show_group_count: false
      controls: true
      power: true
      info: true
      progress: true
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    entity: media_player.g3_dinning_room_speaker
    name: null
    icon: 'mdi:cast-audio'
    artwork: none
    group: true
    show_group_count: false
      controls: true
      power: true
      info: true
      progress: true
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    entity: media_player.g3_google_mini_01
    name: null
    icon: 'mdi:google-home'
    artwork: none
    group: true
    show_group_count: false
      controls: true
      power: true
      info: true
      progress: true
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    entity: media_player.g3_google_mini_02
    name: null
    icon: 'mdi:google-home'
    artwork: none
    group: true
    show_group_count: false
      controls: true
      power: true
      info: true
      progress: true
  - type: 'custom:mini-media-player'
    entity: media_player.g3_shed_tuner_speaker
    name: null
    icon: 'mdi:cast-audio'
    artwork: none
    group: true
    show_group_count: false
      controls: true
      power: true
      info: true
      progress: true