How to update a binary sensor?

Is it possible to have a template (binary) sensor update based on a change of attribute rather than a state?

Specifically, I have a binary sensor that I want to change to ‘on’ if a certain event happens today.

Currently I am using

  - platform: template
        value_template: >
          {{ state_attr('calendar.arsenal_fc','start_time').split(' ')[0] == now().date() | string }}

which has worked happily for many months but recently I am now getting situations where the calendar is not updating before the date sensor sees a new date.

I can’t use the state of the calendar itself because it is off until the event actually starts but I want to know if the event is scheduled for any time today. I could use entity_id: sensor.time of course but that seems like a hell of an overkill to check every minute for an event that happens at most twice a week. Is there a more economical way to do this?

Can the sensor be made recognise a change of an attribute of the calendar rather than the state?

This feels like it should be simple…

Attributes are considered state changes. So that should update whenever start_time updates and at midnight when updates.