Lovelace: Mini Media Player

Ok, I’ve never used lovelace_gen but just from looking at the screenshots and code I’m pretty confident in saying this is a lovelace_gen configuration issue and would recommend continuing this discussion in the lovelace_gen thread.

You’re most likely not rendering a mini-media-player card but instead just a normal entity row of the media player, that would explain the look of the card. You can pretty easily confirm this by inspecting the card in the browser developer tools (right click, inspect element) and look for the element name.
Or manually by specifying some specific mini-media-player options to the card and see if they are applied in the card or not.

First of all,

Thank you for this awesome media player.

If have add one for my sonos speakers and using the grouping ability, i’m able to add my other speakers to what’s currently playing.
But with one speaker being the master, i need a card for each sonos speaker, in order to play the other speakers individually. Is there a way to change the cards entity (master speaker) using a media shortcut button?

I’m sure this is somewhere in the posts above but there are so many and basic terms are hard to search for and narrow down. I have two questions.

first one. Is there a way for me to show which source is currently playing. I see the music song/artist, but I’d like to show which source is playing.

Here is what I’m working on

I’d like to know which of these stations is playing. My preference would be to highlight the button of the station playing,but I suspect that might be a bit tricky. I’d still be happy if it could show somewhere in the player.

Second question. In idle view can I display an image, or just a backround color of my choice. I cannot see the settings for what to add to idle_view, just how to turn it on.

I found that hiding the volume also hid the input.

  icon: true
  next: true
  power: true
  power_state: true
  prev: true
  volume: true

Shows the info above
Removing the hide volume gets me this


I am second for this, i’d really like an option for both your questions…

Hiding either volume and/or controls will collapse the card into a more “compact mode”, this does by default hide the source & only displays the icon, use the option source: full to override this and display the full source name.

To highlight the active shortcut, see the below link (examples inside).

Did you try the background option?

How can i make the mediaplayer background transparent when nothing is playing?
i tried many things but im pretty new to this! =)

how to install it

By reading and following the instructions (linked in the first post).

no, it’s not working

Why not use a conditional card? You can insert the mini media card inside a conditional card and hide it when state is off. It will be hidden completely when nothing is playing/paused.

@noname That must be very frustrating for you considering about 14,000 other people have successfully installed it.

All I can suggest is that you read the instructions more closely and try again.

Or, provide some details on what you have done and what is actually going wrong so we can help.

    • ok
    • component error

I have no idea what you expect people can do with a reply like: ‘ok’ and ‘component error’. I apologise in advance if I come across as harsh. But please understand, people are here on their free time and sharing stuff without expecting anything in return.

I have the feeling you’re not taking the time to read the documentation of the cards. It’s easy to reply with ‘it doesn’t work’. But you wont get anywhere that way if you want people to help you. Explain what doesn’t work, what you’re doing and share your code etc.

If you don’t understand something you can always ask for help. People are very willing to help in the community. But of you’re not willing to take the time to understand, it will be a frustrating experience for you (and others).

Well, first of all: that error has nothing to do with my solution.

Secondly, you’re using the resources completely wrong which is why you’re getting the error. Please read the documentation so you’re using it properly:

As you can see at the very top there, this is the way resources need to be formatted (when using YAML mode)

  mode: yaml
    - url: /local/my-custom-card.js
      type: module
    - url: /local/my-webfont.css
      type: css

no, I’m following exactly the author’s lead.

No, you’re clearly not since you’re not adding the resources correctly. You’re adding it as an integration, but it should be part of lovelace configuration, as you can see in my example. Please just read the documentation so you understand how resources and Lovelace works.

no, no, I follow exactly the instructions of the author

Allrighty, best of luck then :slightly_smiling_face: