Lovelace: Mini Media Player

Hi @kalkih. Thanks for this player - its awesome!
Hey, I just moved to 0.8, using show_tts: google, and my phrases are not being spoken by my device. I can see a popup saying “Service tts/true_say called.” - but nothing is ever read aloud. Any ideas why?


Ok, I’ve found the issue and will include it in the next release.
Meanwhile, if you want you can manually edit your mini-media-player.js on row 52 with this change.

You rock! Thank you.

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New version v0.8.1

  • Added: parameter small for show_source. Hides the current source name and only displays the source button

  • Added: hide_mute option to hide the mute button

  • Changed: hide_controls: true does not hide the mute button by default, use new hide_mute option

  • Changed: switched place of the media controls with source in the UI when hide_volume & show_source is enabled, for more consistency

  • Fixed: TTS not working after v0.8

  • Fixed: UI will now shrinks more to fit (instead of overflow) when no more horizontal space is available


Might be a bit weird of a question given the purpose of this card but is it possible to resize it? I like the look of the album art in the background and all the other customization but would like to have the card be the same size as the in-built media control card

Yes, It’s certainly possible to scale it up and/or rearrange the UI to match the size of the original card. However as you said, that kinda counters the sole purpose of this card.

But if you (or anyone else) want to make this, you are very welcome to fork my mini-media-player card and modify it as you like :smiley:

Me too would like to have a full art cover in the card, but i am completely unable to fork your mini-media-player-card. Maybe an option ?

I don’t have the slightest idea where to start but I’ll give it a go

Please make me aware of what you change… i am interested…

I made some small changes that maybe can help you and/or give you some ideas.

As i said i am unable to do those things, i added with a copy and paste the code you gave, but the result was the same as before… no change in the card, but, i repeat i am not sure about what i did…

You need to empty your browser cache after making changes to the js file.

Awesome! thanks for the push in the right direction, I’ll mess around with it later on tonight

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I did it… Can you please send me the js with the updated code?

How to avoid this?


Here is a direct link.

It’s a specific issue when unavailable is translated into two or more words,
I have a fix for this here and it will be included in the next release

For now you’ll have to either give the chromecast a shorter name with the name: option or copy the code from the dev branch where the fix is available

@kalkih: Thank you very much for your very nice ‘Mini Media Player’.

Would you like to consider to integrate or provide the functionality from this add-on: Community Add-on: Google Assistant Webserver (broadcast messages without interrupting music)

Right now when we use the tts option it will stop the previous acton like playing music from radio or Spotify. It would be great if we can use tts without interrupting the music.
Even more handy would be if the volume can be changed temporary during the tts action.

Maybe more users like this functionality?


I’m not running myself but if anyone is running this add-on and want to implement support for this please make a PR on github and I would be happy to merge it in.

Thanks for your reply!
Wished I could do it by myself, but there is for me still a very long way to go :wink:

Hope someone else is willing to implement support for it.

Thanks anyway!!!

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New version v0.8.2

  • Added: max_volume option to set a max volume value (between 1 & 100) for the volume slider
  • Added: tracker.json file and instructions for custom_updater
  • Fixed: issue where text would wrap outside the card