Lovelace minimalist not showing properly

A couple of days ago I started experimenting with Lovelace Minimalist. I’ve precisely followed the steps in the tutorial linked below, but it seems like something is wrong with the code.

This is what it should look like:

I’m struggling too. I think I’ve installed and configured all of the pre-requisites but my auto created minimalist dashboard is displaying like this:

I don’t really know where to begin with debugging this, I’ve tried removing all references to minimalist and reinstalling but I get the same outcome every time.

Software versions etc:
Home Assistant 2023.8.2
Supervisor 2023.08.1
Operating System 10.4
Frontend 20230802.0 - latest

I’d be really grateful for any pointers / help :pray:t2:

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I’m seeing the same. The documentation mentions selecting the “Minimalist” theme under your profile, but there are no themes available for me :man_shrugging:

This was the solution for me, kinda stupid i didn’t figured that out earlier but it does work now. These themes just appeared after installing and configuring lovelace minmalist. The problem now is that selecting one of those themes causes changing all dashboard themes. I still need to figure out a yaml code line for just chaning the minimalst dashboard.

Seeing this same issue, my template dashboard looks the same. When I clear template and try to add cards from the repo, nothing is showing up. Double checked all of the files are present and the necessary custom cards are loaded. Any other suggestions?