Lovelace: Multiple entity row

I can’t get name: false to work either
This card addon had been brilliant if it worked

Tried without space (shouldn’t work I suppose) and then the whole sub-entity dissapeared:

On your 1st picture you specified nothing for the “name” option.
2nd picture: spaces are obligatory.

1st picture was to show when it said something was wrong
Got help and the problem was I missed entity: at beginning of row above name-tag

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.forrad_trh_temperature
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Förråd
    secondary_info: last-changed
      - entity: sensor.forrad_trh_temperature
        name: false
      - entity: sensor.forrad_trh_humidity
        name: false

Thanks for trying to help!

Seems that it was not just “trying to help” ))) Close the issue on GitHub then as it was advised. - DONE

aha… same person who actually helped me in the other place - then I should have said: THANKS! Problem solved

(I think I managed to close the other ticket)

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Hi! How can I change the icon color based on an attribute value of a template sensor?

type: entities
title: Aree
  - entity: sensor.area_cancelli
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Cancelli
    icon: mdi:gate
    show_state: false
      - attribute: disinserito
        name: Disinserito
        icon: mdi:lock-off
          action: call-service
          service: switch.turn_on
            entity_id: switch.partitionswitch_cancelli_disinserisci
        styles: ????

I would like icon of Disinserito to be green if attribute disinserito of sensor.area_cancelli is 1, gray if 0. Possibly without using config-template-card.

Thanks for helping!

card-mod thread → 1st post → link at the bottom → styles for multiple-entity-row

Thanks. I already did read your post, but there’s nothing similar to my case. I want to change the color icon of an - attribute respect to its value, not respect the state of the main entity.

And what is a difference here?!
Use state_attr() instead of states().

Sure, that was not the problem. I was not able to find the right CSS selector. I will check with more attention.

You may style a color of the main icon & “secondary” icons as well.
Check that post I mentioned.

Found it. Thanks.

  type: entities
  title: Area cancelli
    - entity: sensor.area_cancelli
      type: custom:multiple-entity-row
      name: Cancelli
      icon: mdi:gate
      show_state: false
      secondary_info: last-updated
          $: |
            state-badge {
              color: orange;
          .: |
            div.entity:nth-child(1) state-badge {
              {% set COLOR = "#14ce17" if state_attr("sensor.area_cancelli","disinserito") else "#bdbbbb" %}              
              color: {{COLOR}};
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Hello, somebodye mantain a forked version of this beautiful card with improvments and corrections" ?

Does anyone know how I can change the displayed state of a binary sensor with device_class ‘lock’, so that it shows locked and unlocked instead of off and on?
Screenshot 2023-04-24 at 22.19.46

  - entity: sensor.cupra_born_state_of_charge
    name: Cupra Born
    icon: mdi:car-electric
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    state_header: Charge
      style: |
        :host {
          {% if (states(config.entity)|float(333)) <= 20 %} red
          {% elif (states(config.entity)|float(333)) <= 30 %} orange
          {% else %} #30BC3F
          {% endif %};
          {% if is_state('sensor.myenergi_zappi_XXXXXXXX_status','charging') %} mdi:car-electric
          {% else %} mdi:car
          {% endif %};
      - entity: binary_sensor.cupra_born_overall_status
        name: Locked?
      - entity: sensor.cupra_born_range_in_miles
        name: Range
1 Like

tune up yourself :wink:

  - type: entities
      - entity: weather.buienradar
            hui-generic-entity-row $: |
              .info {
                display: none;
        type: custom:multiple-entity-row
        toggle: false
        show_state: false
        state_color: false
          - entity: sensor.buienradar_temperature
            name: Temp
          - entity: sensor.buienradar_wind_force
            name: Bft
          - entity: sensor.buienradar_wind_direction
            name: Richting
          - entity: sensor.buienradar_pressure
            name: Lucht
          - entity: sensor.buienradar_precipitation
            name: Neerslag
          - entity: sensor.buienradar_goes_irradiance
            name: Zon
          - entity: sensor.buienradar_humidity
            name: Vocht

shows like:

and Ive tried/experimented with the justify-content etc.but still the names dont show on the same horizontal line.
Do we have a magic property for that?

you are doing a wonderful job and I thank you very much. that’s great.

I too would have liked to know how to make the windows appear as “open” and not “on”

Thanks a lot

Can you pls help to see why my code isnt working? It is not showing the secondary info for the multiple-row entities… here s the code

type: entities
  - entity: group.doors_kids
    name: Kids Doors
    secondary_info: last-changed
    style: |
      :host .entities-row {
        justify-content: flex-start;
        align-items: unset;
      :host .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(1) div::after {
        color: var(--secondary-text-color);
        font-size: 0.7rem;
        content: "\A {{relative_time(strptime(states.binary_sensor.fal_d.last_changed,"%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"))}}";
        white-space: pre;
      :host .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(2) div::after {
        color: var(--secondary-text-color);
        font-size: 0.7rem;
        content: "\A {{relative_time(strptime(states.binary_sensor.faf_d.last_changed,"%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"))}}";
        white-space: pre;
      :host .entities-row div.entity:nth-child(3) div::after {
        color: var(--secondary-text-color);
        font-size: 0.7rem;
        content: "\A {{relative_time(strptime(states.binary_sensor.fay_d.last_changed,"%H:%M:%S %d/%m/%Y"))}}";
        white-space: pre;
    state_color: true
    show_state: false
      - entity: binary_sensor.fal_d
        icon: mdi:door
        state_color: true
      - entity: binary_sensor.faf_d
        icon: mdi:door
        state_color: true
      - entity: binary_sensor.fay_d
        icon: mdi:door
        state_color: true
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row

I m trying to get it to show the last changed under the door icon for the 3 entities. Can you please see why it doesnt work?

help HA

Your templates are wrong.
Check them in Dev tools → Templates.

Also, your color style will not work w/o “!important”

Also, placing " inside " is wrong.

forgot to post the answer to that quest:

        .: |
          .entities-row {
           align-items: start !important;
           width: 100%;
           justify-content: space-evenly !important;

and have it show perfectly like:

thx Ildar and Arganto

Hi - I am struggling to customize icons based on state when using type: custom:multiple-entity-row

type: entities
  - entity: switch.g0294_block_ufh_circulation_pump
    type: custom:multiple-entity-row
    name: Block UFH Circulation Pump
    secondary_info: last-changed
    show_state: false
    icon: mdi:block-helper
    state_color: true
      action: call-service
        entity_id: switch.g0294_block_ufh_circulation_pump
      - entity: binary_sensor.status_ufh_circulation_pump
        type: custom:button-card
          - value: 'off'
            icon: mdi:autorenew-off
          - value: 'on'
            icon: mdi:autorenew
        name: Pump Status
        icon: mdi:autorenew
        state_color: true
      - entity: binary_sensor.status_ufh_circulation_pump
        type: custom:button-card
        name: Status
          - value: 'off'
            icon: mdi:autorenew-off
          - value: 'on'
            icon: mdi:autorenew

the last entity displays the status of a circulation pump, which is either off or on. based on the status value I would like the icon to be different.
