Lovelace - Personalized gauge

Hi friends. I’ve several gauges showing general power from shelly integration and other sections power. I need a gauge to show the only section I don’t monitor. I mean I need a gauge where I ask it to show the operation [General Power - (minus) all the 5 power values I monitor behind the general Power]. This difference will show the only line I don’t monitor. Sorry if I’m not so good to explain it but I’m asking you help to solve this problem. Thank you.

Hi, @apeiron691
If I get you right, you have few Power consumption sensors.
Let’s say Power1 Power2 Power3
Also, you have some kind of limit f.e PowerLimit

You want a gouge to show how close you all Powers are to the limit. Right?
For this, I would use the same Gauge but created a template sensor

with template calculating PowerNew = PowelLimit - Power1 - Power2 - Power3