Lovelace picture-elements floorplan images

I’ve been experimenting with the lovelace picture-elements card to re-create my current floorplan.

Happy to move everything out of a single SVG to individual elements, and I can use audrey’s custom-ui to template the entity-picture to match what I want the state to be, so it looks very close to the original floorplan.

The problem with this approach though, is I also use some of my entities on normal cards and the pictures are overriden for the whole system (e.g. lights are now the image from the floorplan rather than mdi:light).

Would love to see state-icon extended similar to picture-entity so that state_image values could be defined, or alternatively another element type that supports a similar feature.

Really like Lovelace so far and would love to move over to it full time.

I’m interested in using this too in the near future. Do you have a link to the custom-ui of Audrey?

From a discussion on Discord, it appears this is coming.

@Try2Fly -

@Tinkerer - cool thanks :slight_smile:

I see this was actually merged before I even asked here!