Lovelace Picture-Glance state_image broken?

Following these instructions, I can’t get picture-glance to change to the “on” image:

    - type: picture-glance
        "on":  /local/images/stock/upstairs_bathroom_on.jpg
        "off": /local/images/stock/upstairs_bathroom_off.jpg
      entity: input_boolean.upstairs_bathroom_state
          - binary_sensor.upstairs_bathroom_occupancy
          - script.upstairs_bathroom_poweroff_lights
          - script.upstairs_bathroom_poweroff_all

It used to work before the custom off states were introduced in 0.74.0

works for me with this config:

          - type: picture-glance
            title: Harmony
              - switch.xbox_one
              - switch.ps4
              - switch.wii_u
              - switch.pc
              - switch.switch
              "PowerOff": /local/images/power_off.png
              "Xbox One": /local/images/xbox_one_logo.png
              "PS4": /local/images/playstation_logo.png
              "Wii U": /local/images/wiiu_logo.png
              "PC": /local/images/windows_logo.png
              "Switch": /local/images/nintendo_switch_logo.png
              "TV": /local/images/sony_logo.png
            entity: sensor.harmony_activity


What custom off states are you referring to? if the returned state doesn’t return ‘on’, that will be a problem.

I’m using - on and off

not sure man, it looks right. Maybe remove the space before your ‘on’ path?

For some reason I thought you said you were using a ‘custom state’ object.

I switched from using “on” and “off” to “active” and “inactive” - works now. Thanks

weird, ok. Are those the states of your object when you look at it in the template editor or the states page?

Guys help mine is brocken too:

type: picture-glance
title: Inverter animation
  - sensor.power
  '1': /local/gif/inverter/1.gif
  '2': /local/gif/inverter/2.gif
  '3': /local/gif/inverter/3.gif
  '4': /local/gif/inverter/4.gif
  '5': /local/gif/inverter/5.gif
  '6': /local/gif/inverter/6.gif
  '7': /local/gif/inverter/7.gif
  '8': /local/gif/inverter/8.gif
  '9': /local/gif/inverter/9.gif
  '10': /local/gif/inverter/10.gif
  '11': /local/gif/inverter/11.gif
  '12': /local/gif/inverter/12.gif
  '13': /local/gif/inverter/13.gif
  '14': /local/gif/inverter/14.gif
  '15': /local/gif/inverter/15.gif
  '16': /local/gif/inverter/16.gif
  '17': /local/gif/inverter/17.gif
entity: sensor.charger_card

error pops-up:

Visual editor is not supported for this configuration:
Key 'state_image' is not expected or not supported by the visual editor.