Lovelace popup card

I would love to see popup card support in lovelace.

The scenario I am thinking is I have a number of glance entities that give a summary of a number of physical entities. An example of this would be my window open/close sensors.

What I would like to do, is that if I click on the window glance sensor, it would display a popup where I could there display the status of all the windows, or even use the filter card to just display the ones that are open.

Do the entity filer and/ or conditional cards not do what you are looking for.?

There is a custom card that provides a toggle to supply a single line that can be clicked to display more but I can’t seem to find it.

No the entity filter and conditional card don’t, they aren’t popup cards. I don’t want this information displayed by default, only when I click on the glance icon.

At the moment clicking a glance icon gives me the history of the summary sensor which is not that useful, would like to override this behaviour.

Already exists in a custom card:

I would like one that popped up a whole new window and brought it front and center while I was using my computer for other things. Would be great for cameras/doorbells.

Yesm that would be a very good feauture. custom lovelace popup dialog card - in that case can be create custom card for poup dialog.

That is not a - custom lovelace popup dialog card- you can not show defferent properties . For ex: if you have a custom component and that has different properies - configurations and you want to use as a configuration dialog you cannot do that. please check this video:
How can I develop custom dialog without compiling the whole client?