Lovelace problem after upgrade to 0.105.0

I just installed the new update, and all is working well except this code. Checked breaking changes and could not find anything that applied. Do not know where to turn next.

      - type: section
        label: Carlton's Phone
      - entity:  group.carlton_home_presence
        name: Location
        icon: mdi:crosshairs-gps
        type: "custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row"
        secondary_info:  "GPS location is [[ device_tracker.phone_carlton.state ]]"

this is the result

Screenshot from 2020-02-06 15-09-46

Thanks for the help

I am seeing something similar possibly.

Its related to the use of the secondary info row card.

Mine is only showing the error when I re-size a window. If I just load a page its fine. A refresh of the page makes the error go away.

Are you seeing a similar source of the error or is it coming anytime the page is loaded?

Are card-tools and secondaryinfo-entity-row on the newest versions?
There were issues with them in 0.105 beta.

Mine happens all the time.
I put the code on my sandbox lovelace page just for the one entity and played with it.
Removed quotes, changed spacing. The only thing that worked was commenting out both the type and secondary entity row.

Will wait for thomasloven to sort it out.
Hopefully soon.

Thanks all for the assistance.

Update to the latest of both cards and remove the ?v1.0 at the end of the string shown below.

That combo solved this issue for me.

Thank you, worked like a charm.
I hate seeing those red boxes every time I update.