BTW the homeassist android app is designed by axzae v 3.3 , it does have a web interface but
also its own.
I have now got the tplink switches shown on th efront end now.
Looks like that app hasn’t been updated in over a year. A lot has changed with HA authentication since then, so if that’s the app you’re using, I’d say you’re probably better off switching to an app that is still getting regular updates.
Just a quick question/advice
can you use the automation script to disable certain functions between two dates
ie. disable a section that controls a switch .
I cant see any reason why not in the docs, but I thought ask first just incase its not possible
the time trigger only shows HH:MM:SS in examples., or would I be better off using the workday platform
No not hide it all all.
I have automations which provide mains power to parts of the house during the day. And
control the hot water boiler.
Simple solution is to disable the automations when we are on holiday etc from the UI.
I’m just wondering if I can use an automation script to disable those automations between two dates. , maybe with the workday binary sensor platform.
or if its more hassle than its worth,
If you use your phone as device tracker (and your wife/kids too) than you could set up a zone (for example set up your vacation address as a zone).
Then create an automation that turns off the automations you want to have turned off whenever you enter that zone and have it turn back on when you enter the “home” zone.
Hi Jim,
if I was the normal type of person that jumps on plane for a vacation and doesn’t move around a lot when they get there that would work.
But I drive, and the distance is about the same as New York to Denver, so a lot of zones to set up. Gets awkward with roaming as well.
There is the homeassistant service which looks like it can turn an automation on/off, not sure how to trigger that at a specific time.
If by a remote zone maybe when arriving/departing from the Channel Tunnel , that goes between the UK and France.
Not an easy one .
The beauty of Home Assistant is its flexibility. If you ask ten different people about how they handle something like this, you’d probably get ten different answers.
My approach to this is an input_boolean called Vacation Mode. When I am going out of town, I turn this to on, and my AppDaemon automations take it into account. I have ones that I don’t want to run while I’m on vacation, and they’re coded to not run if Vacation Mode is on. I have others, for example automated lighting to simulate presence, that I only want to run when Vacation Mode is on, so I code those accordingly.
With YAML automations, you could either put a condition on your regular automations so they don’t execute if Vacation Mode is on. Or, you could have a “master” automation that controls your other automations, and build that one out to turn off your unwanted automations with a trigger of when Vacation Mode is set to on, and the to turn the automations back on when Vacation Mode is set to off again.
Yeah, that action piece would work perfectly if you want to use an automation to turn off another automation. You would just need to decide how you want to trigger it.
Ah yeah I see, yeah I have set up a bunch of zones throughout all the areas I frequently visit in Europe. Roaming isn’t a problem anymore as roaming costs are forbidden in the EU since 2017. Anyways, I would do with zones as I love the device tracking and works very well for me. However the other idea of an input boolean sounds great too though. However you would have to manually activate it whereas I myself prefer full automation as in I leave the house without thinking about it and have it do its magic when I arrive in a certain zone.
Ah well I just happen to live in the country with the most mixed up goverment , UK, a lot of unknown quantities, my phone provider has stated no EU roaming charges, but otheres are still on the fence.
thats cobblered together from previous threads
that should be 9am tomorrow .
Also are wildcards allowed in entity_id, so if you have several entity_id 's with same names but one character difference, like a number at the end, could that number be replaced with a wildcard character ?
there will be period of 3 weeks later this year. As I’m retired, I’m home 99% of the time
I’m away one day at the weekend so I’ve used that as a test.
I’ll also adapt the script to run an automation to switch lights on and off while we are away
I still think the input_boolean approach is probably your best route in this case. If you’re trying to do something for specific dates, you’d have to update your YAML and reload your automations any time you schedule time away, which seems unwieldly. Your other option would be to integrate the Google Calendar platform, add your time away to Google Calendar, and create an automation that triggers based on that Google Calendar event.