📺 Lovelace: Roku Remote Card

Yeah, they are not included in the card https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/frontend/#defining-themes

I’ve got some images missing … did the hacs install and it is loaded as a custom card. You can see what it looks like here -

you need to source those images yourself and put them in your www folder

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sweet - thanks

all set thanks again!

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@iantrich great work!
I use a IR-transmitter and can just use scripts for use the buttons. Following lovelace script doesn’t activate my scripts (I tried it in three different ways):

apps: null
entity: media_player.poe_tv_ue55f6320
tv: true
type: 'custom:roku-card'
  service: script.turn_on
    entity_id: script.tv_power
    action: more-info
    entity_id: script.tv_vol_p
    action: more-info
    entity: script.tv_vol_d

could you help me please?

entity: media_player.poe_tv_ue55f6320
tv: true
type: 'custom:roku-card'
    action: call-service
    service: script.turn_on
      entity_id: script.tv_power
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Perfect! Thanks a lot!

Hey Ian + everyone. I’m new to the community and cannot for the life of me figure out how to install this card!

I installed via HACS, copied the “usage” section from gitHub into a manual card, and I get “Entity Unavailable”. I’ve tried a ton of troubleshooting and have of course restarted.
I feel like I might be missing something fairly obvious. Checked that the path in my Lovelace resources points to the file.
Any help would be much appreciated.


well you need to use your entity name, not the example one

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Well that did it, thanks! Is there somewhere with a list of available apps? Managed to get YouTube and Amazon as my buttons, but want to change long press of one to Amazon Prime. Is it just how the apps are named on my TV?

Thanks for such fast help, genuinely very excited about this card!

dev tools -> states
then find your media_player and there will be source_list attribute that lists all your apps on the device

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Perfect! Thanks again.

Is there a way to trigger a roku tv setting such as tv audio? Turn the tv audio on/off

How do you use the HDMI 1 as an app button? Mine never works no matter what I try and it is shown in my roku states attributes. It’s as if the “1” is ignored, I even tried ‘HDMI 1’ but it did not work either.

                  - image: /local/lovelace/remote/netflix.png
                    app: Netflix
                  - image: /local/lovelace/remote/emby.png
                    app: Emby
                  - image: /local/lovelace/remote/disney.png
                    app: Disney Plus
                  - image: /local/lovelace/remote/hdmi1.png
                    app: 'HDMI 1'

OK solved all my issues…
This card was to limited for my use so I used @mcfrojd style template instead. I can now remove/add the TV audio (useful when I watch tv at night using my bluetooth headphones). When I select FireTV it automatically selects HDMI1 and changes my buttons to my FireTV remote.

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Nice. Personally, I’d remove the text and just use icons

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Are there any plans to allow the input/source to be hidden/disabled? Ta.

I have no plans for this card, but PRs are always welcome or you can log a feature request on the repo and see if someone picks it up

The default remote icons are gone since last nights update :frowning: I see no icons on the remote but the buttons are still there.