Lovelace: Select List card

Select list Card

Display the options of an input_select entity as a clickable list card.
In other words: the content of the dropdown menu is displayed as a card.
The input_select.select_option service is called after the user clicks (selects) an option.

Some use cases:

  • Select with too many options to show in dropdown
  • Options with long titles
  • Have all options directly shown
  • You dont’t want the extra click to open the dropdown menu

Using the card

Visual Editor

Select List Card supports Lovelace’s Visual Editor. Click the + button to add a card and search for select list.


Name Type Default Description
type string required custom:select-list-card
entity string required An entity_id within the input_select domain.
title string `` Card header title
icon string `` Card header icon
show_toggle boolean false Card header toggle
truncate boolean true Truncate option text to fit 1 line
scroll_to_selected boolean true Scroll the list to the position of the selected option
max_options number 5 Number of options before a scrollbar appears, 0 = no scrollbar



This card is available in HACS (Home Assistant Community Store).

Just search for Select list Card in Frontend tab.


Github page with more info


Hi, would this card support a list of picture cards, that launch a script to different TV channels?
I have below pile with the remote and a test of 3 channels, but I’d like to have a full list of channels, more than 100 that could be clickable with a list card.
I don’t know how to prepare such list.

hey did you ever find a solution to your question. I am trying to use the card to select radio stations, but while it does make the list clickable, it does not appear to also be able to click and have it really affect any change except to the state of the input_select.

I didn’t use the input_select.
I’ve created a list of channels that work well in the mobile format:

each channel is a script programmed with the push of the button, for example, a 1 and a 2.

Does the card support the new SelectEntity?

mattieha, is it possible to add support for entities with select. domain?