Lovelace: Simple thermostat card

I updated from an older version since I finally got around to upgrading to HassIO 89. I get this error now:


I’ve always had it work before. Thermostat is working just fine. Any suggestions?

It looks like it’s trying to make me set a range (min/max), which I don’t want. Any ideas how to disable this?

When I set it to “auto”, the 2 range temperatures appear. I don’t want that though. I don’t want to have AUTO enabled, just heat or cool. I removed “auto” from the modes, but it still wants to show the 2 temperatures.

updated the file to latest version, but see no change no buttons. Did restart HA, any idea what causes that nothing happens to the card?

Either clear your browser’s cache to force it to reload the web-page or change the version number here in the Lovelace file:

  - url: /local/simple-thermostat.js?v=1   <---- Change this to force the browser to refresh the page
    type: module

You can change v=1 to anything just as long as it is different. This causes the browser to skip using whatever cached copy it may have and download a fresh one.

For more information, check out Thomas Loven’s Updating a Lovelace Plugin.

This should be added to the official repo and let you apply a class to any thermostat to switch between versions.

I have a feature request of being able to use icons for states and also when Auto is on the big numbers should be smaller so the card can fit on mobile.

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Love the card, much nicer than the default gauge type card.

Quick question. I’m using the card for my Sensibo controller for my AC. At the moment, the card automatically uses the temperature reading from the Sensibo. I’d like to use a different sensor for the temperature that is displayed by the card (the sensor is placed in a better location than the Senisbo unit). Is this possible? I know I can do it with additional readings such as humidity, but how do I in effect, override the temperature?

My current card:

  - entity: sensor.0x00158d000210a82f_humidity
    name: Humidity
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'
entity: climate.living_room
    icon: false
    name: Make it cold
    icon: 'mdi:whitewalker'
    name: false
  cool: true
    include: true
step_size: 1

If i just add:

  - entity: sensor.0x00158d000210a82f_temperature
    name: Temperature

Then I have two temperature displayed on the card.

You can hide the default temperature with the hide config:

  temperature: true

Sensors are rendered after the built-in values so the order will differ compared to using the built in temperature, but you’ll have to survive that :slight_smile:

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I too am interested in finding the answer to this, mine displays the same (Ecobee) edit my card code below

    include: false
    include: false
name: false
  - entity: sensor.temperature_158d000171f3b2
    name: 1st floor
  - entity: sensor.temperature_158d0001a366d4
    name: 2nd floor
  - entity: sensor.dark_sky_apparent_temperature
    name: Outside
step_size: 1
type: 'custom:simple-thermostat'

Hi, I must be doing something wrong. I changed the V=1, emptied the cache, restarted HA, restarted the iMac but nothing changed.

I also don’t see the simple-thermostat as part of the updater. Here are parts of lovelace and a copy of the updater card:


  • url: /github/custom-cards/tracker-card.js?track=true
    type: module
  • url: /local/card-modder.js?v=222
    type: js
  • url: /local/card-tools.js?track=true
    type: js
  • url: /local/color-picker.js?v333
    type: js
  • url: /local/gauge-card.js?v=444
    type: js
  • url: /local/mini-media-player-bundle.js?v=555
    type: module
  • url: /local/simple-thermostat.js?v=777
    type: module
  • url: /local/tracker-card.js?v=888
    type: js

My thermostats (11 of them) are Heatmiserneo’s maybe that’s the problem with the simple thermostat??

I think you’ve done everything possible (new file, clear cache, change version number, restart HA). Not sure what else to check.

Are you using ui-lovelace.yaml or the graphical editor (or the raw editor) to configure the thermostat card?


Me too … which only makes this all the more mysterious because I’m seeing the new version of the card.

Do you normally access your Home Assistant server by its host name or by its IP address? Assuming the host name is haserver and its IP address is 192.168.100 do you use this:


or this:

Whichever one you normally use, try using the other one. This ensures the browser treats it like a new host. If you still see the old version of the card … I’m out of ideas! :frowning:

I also have never had Simple Thermostat show up in the Custom Updater Tracker Card. Tried everything you have and nothing seems to work.

Very peculiar. Have you tried installing it using recommended method for custom_updater:

  - url: /customcards/github/nervetattoo/simple-thermostat.js?track=true
    type: module

This should most definitively work and bypass any local downloading in the first place. Please try and see if that makes a difference.

Thanks that worked and it now shows in the updater. Not by restarting HA but using services: custom_updater.update_all.

Still no buttons though!

I have

  - url: /local/custom-lovelace/resources/simple-thermostat/simple-thermostat.js?track=true
    type: module

in my ui-lovelace.yaml and I did as suggested above by @Trouble-51 by using the service instead of just clicking the button on the card, but as you can see below, still no love for your card in Custom Updater. :sob:

I have been unable to get this to work at all. I updated to ,90 today. I see this in the logs

local/custom-lovelace/simple-thermostat/simple-thermostat.js?v=1.3:16:91 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: missing /

Nevermind, reading the instructions helped. Only custom lovelace I’ve ran into (so far) that required a download vs raw copy. But, download worked. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the work

I use the second one. Tried the other option but same result. :woozy_face: